Message 1 of 2

Twice a week, my Smart Hub 2 disconnects for a minute

About twice a week on average, my Smart Hub 2 router disconnects from the Internet for about minute or two, and then reconnects on its own.

I have a BT 35 Mbps FTTC broadband with Digital Voice. 

I use  Chrome browser extension called the Internet Connection Monitor to constantly check if and when my Internet connection goes down. 

Looking at the logs of this monitor, I see that on several occasions I lose my Internet connection for about 1 to 4 minutes. Sometimes though I go for 2 or 3 weeks without any such Internet dropouts. Other times I can get 4 or 5 such dropouts in one week. On one occasion I was present during a dropout, and could observe the Smart Hub lights turn from blue to orange as the Internet connection was lost, and then automatically regained a few minutes later. 

The Smart Hub 2 router always reconnects itself automatically to restore the Internet connection, without me needing to do anything. 

But I wonder if these regular Internet dropouts are something to worry about.

Would anyone know the cause of these dropouts, and if there anything I can do to prevent them?

I am running the Internet Connection Monitor browser extension on a Chrome browser running on a Mac desktop computer connected to the Smart Hub 2 by an Ethernet cable.



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Message 2 of 2

Re: Twice a week, my Smart Hub 2 disconnects for a minute

On FTTC, unless you have a near-perfect connection, this can happen as router-to-cabinet connection optimization is attempted.  If that's what happening, then it'll usually happen in the dead of night, and it's not uncommon for a couple of attempts to take place in a very short period.  IF this is what's happening it won't affect your DLM since it's initiated by the cabinet not the router!

I only learn by making mistakes and owning up to them - boy do I learn a lot!