Message 1 of 4

Upload speed has tanked by an order of magnitude

last month I was getting 7-11 Mbps upload now I’m getting less than 1 Mbps. Am I being throttled, there’s no outages, it’s across all devices. Nothing as far as I’m aware could have caused this. Download speed is a little worse but nowhere near as bad as upload. Videos calls cut out, online games are borderline unplayable. I know that the infrastructure is old but it was fine a month ago. I’ve reset the hub, it’s in the master socket, I don’t know what else to do. Any help would be appreciated. 

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Upload speed has tanked by an order of magnitude

When I experienced a similar issue a few years ago, I had a lot of difficulty in getting it sorted.

In my case, upload had completely stopped working - nothing at all! Rebooting the Hub didn't help.

BT's official line when I reported it was "we do not guarantee upload".

I had to explain to them that whilst they might not guarantee upload speed, (their official line), upload had to work - else the internet did not. ie you click on a hyperlink, which sends a request for a page to the internet, which is then downloaded.

They took a lot of convincing that it was their problem, but eventually diagnosed a problem in the "exchange", which was quickly fixed.

Good luck!


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Message 3 of 4

Re: Upload speed has tanked by an order of magnitude

if you have a phone service ( but not digital voice ) is to check for dial  tone , if no dial tone or a really noisy line ( dial 17070 and take quiet line test ) report the phone service faulty , it’s likely that fixing the phone service with restore the broadband,  post your router statistics, if you don’t have a phone service or it’s DV the router stats may still indicate a line problem,

You could always call your ISP before anything else , before they reply with ‘ upload isn’t guaranteed ‘ to fob you off , they would test your connection , it’s not like reporting genuine issues to Openreach has a cost to an ISP .

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Upload speed has tanked by an order of magnitude


"before they reply with ‘ upload isn’t guaranteed ‘ to fob you off , they would test your connection "

In my case, as soon as I mentioned Upload problems, that was their response before doing any testing.


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