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Message 1 of 14

Will FTTC Broadband be affected from Switch Over?

I am currently on "Fibre Halo 3" broadband package.
I was under the impression that with the upcoming switch over (end of 2025) there won't be any copper service anymore, just "Full fibre" so classic phone/landline AND my broadband won't work after that date (or earlier) and I HAVE to switch to "Full fibre" ffor my broadband and DV fpr phone. 
I am not sure now that this assumption is right, at least regarding broadband.
So my question is, can I keep my current broadband afte switch over? Or will BT insist that I change to "Full fibre" (which is already available in my area).

Thanks, Tom

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Message 2 of 14

Re: Will FTTC Broadband be affected from Switch Over?

You will stay on FTTC for your broadband but you will need to have Digital Voice or some other digital phone service if you want to keep using a phone. If you have a mobile phone you could just use that and do away with the phone package.

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Message 3 of 14

Re: Will FTTC Broadband be affected from Switch Over?

The end of 2025 is the end of PSTN , telephony equipment in the exchange, not the end of copper , if you are on FTTC , then the ‘telephone’ service, should you require one would be an ‘IP’ service over your FTTC broadband, all Openreach based service will be affected, with BT its called Digital Voice , and there is an ongoing programme to migrate customers onto DV, with all these IP services your phone would plug into the router , not the master socket , but  the copper pair from the ‘cabinet’ into your home remains, your router effectively still plugged into the master socket,

This will be the case until such time FTTP becomes available, that , depending on location could be years away.

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Message 4 of 14

Re: Will FTTC Broadband be affected from Switch Over?

"This will be the case until such time FTTP becomes available, that , depending on location could be years away."

As I wrote im my first post, we already have FTTP available, but I don't want to upgrade (ONT can't be placed in the location I need). So if I read your post correctly, it will not be guaranteed that FFTC will remain active after the switch over, right?

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Message 5 of 14

Re: Will FTTC Broadband be affected from Switch Over?


As I wrote im my first post, we already have FTTP available, but I don't want to upgrade (ONT can't be placed in the location I need). 


Are you sure the ONT cannot be located where you would prefer it sited? Since you're on a Halo3 package, you should be able to use the home visit expert to give your system a check/tidy up and advise the options for ONT locations.


Message 6 of 14

Re: Will FTTC Broadband be affected from Switch Over?

Honestly, I didn't even know that this is included with my package, thank you! I will defintely do that.
But I am not hopefull, fibre cable would need to go over the roof, don't think OR is going to do that ....

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Message 7 of 14

Re: Will FTTC Broadband be affected from Switch Over?

how is your existing openreach fed to your home - underground or from a pole?  over roof not option

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Message 8 of 14

Re: Will FTTC Broadband be affected from Switch Over?

Presumably this is all connected with your other thread.

Re: Full fibre installation question - BT Community

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Message 9 of 14

Re: Will FTTC Broadband be affected from Switch Over?

This is about "Will FTTC Broadband be affected from Switch Over?", the other thread is about "Full fibre installation question".
Some questions asked by others in this thread are similar/connected to the ones in the other thread, true.
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Message 10 of 14

Re: Will FTTC Broadband be affected from Switch Over?

The output from the ONT is proper ethernet.  In other words, your router could be positioned up to 100m away from the ONT if you don't mind running some cat 6 between them.  (Or possibly over the idea if that's actually viable)

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