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Message 1 of 3

my new 5g Nokia XR21 has no mobile data, BT sim shows 3g only

Recently upgraded to a 5g Nokia XR21, but my BT sim seems to be locked to 3g only, it would appear that BT has turned my3g off and now I can no longer access data. BT sent me a new sim card, but there is no difference, calls and txts work fine. 

I do not trust BT phone support, earlier calls regarding the sim in my car were useless as usual, after they said they had never heard of a sim fitted into a car, I was passed from one department to another and nobody could help until I threatened to close our 4 sim contracts, home broadband Halo 3+ and TV contracts.

Any suggestions gratefully received

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Message 2 of 3

Re: my new 5g Nokia XR21 has no mobile data, BT sim shows 3g only

I'm assuming that you had 4G on the old phone so have you tried the SIM back in the that?

If so & still no 4G, try the EE checker for service issues. Make sure you click the Check Status button as otherwise it will default to the predicted coverage.

As you'll also see on that page, 3G is set to be switched off country wide. I guess it's possible they may have gone early.

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Message 3 of 3

Re: my new 5g Nokia XR21 has no mobile data, BT sim shows 3g only

Thanks for reply, yes had 4g on old phone.

I tried the sim in husband's phone and the sim from that phone in the new Nokia. new sim worked fine in hubby's phone, and his sim in the new Nokia did not.

Now working with Nokia as BT and I agree it is the phone that is the problem

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