Message 11 of 12

Re: Relay cables

I’m sorry you feel that way but the response I gave you was honest and well intentioned.

Under the circumstances I will take no further part in this discussion.



Message 12 of 12

Re: Relay cables

At the risk of embroiling myself in this - and wasting my time - we need some actual facts before we can be any help:
1. Has your husband lost his internet service due to the water company digging up (and damaging?) cables that are the property of Openreach?
2. You need to explain what you mean by "relay cables"

If (1) is correct, then you husband need to make a fault report to BT who I assume is his service provider (is that correct?). They in turn will raise this with Openreach to get repairs done.
I believe there is also a form you can access on Openreach's website to report damage to their infrastructure.
But it will be BT who can provide your husband with an estimate of how long the repair should take to be completed - Openreach do not deal directly with the broadband customers