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Telephone pole renewed but improperly - No reconnection to service

On Sunday the 9th of April, Openreach, or their contractors, turned up to carry out works in the  street we live in and closed off the road, which, in fairness, they had  pre-warned us of. As it turned out, they renewed the  nearby pole, but having reconnected the wires to the 9No properties served by it, they didn't manage to to make it live. Consequently, we (and our neighbours) have been left with no service. Fortunately, I have a minihub sent previously, which BT have reactivated and provides restricted internet access, but others do not even have that. No phone connection of course.

An Openreach Engineer has arrived today (11/04/23) to inspect the problem, but I understand from him that the wires have been reconnected incorrectly too far down the pole, and all to a single bracket, probably because in using the existing wires and stripping them back they wouldn't reach to the top of the pole, which is where they should be connected.

Probably needs another road closure to rectify the problem, but when this will be, who knows!

This comes on the back of BT taking the same quaterley payment off me twice in four days by direct debit last month, and taking over a week to refund it.

Altogether a bit disappointing to say the least.