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Message 1 of 7

Appalling customer service

The simple act of trying to renew a broadband/phone contract on 12th June, 2024, has led to phone/broadband being cut off on 24th June. Despite a ridiculous number of calls and promises that a customer services manager would contact us, we have heard nothing. We have had to create a whole new account to "resolve" the issues create by the incompetence of whoever set up the initial order. A customer for over 40 years and we have had to create a whole new account due to crazy way in which the order was setup. Really?

Every time I call, I am told that there is a call scheduled for a manager in Darlington to contact me. Guess what, nothing ever comes of it.

Despite what BT/EE might think, my role in life is not to spend hours per week contacting BT and having to go through the entire call history over and over again. A complaint opened on 24th June was closed last week, without anyone from BT contacting me. Misleading entries are made in customer call history stating "I am not interesting in finding a solution" when I simply stated I am unable to actually take the call as a I am at work and busy. 

Out of the blue, money is taken from account without any understanding of what the charge entails. The order has been opened/cancelled multiple times without our involvement and we get no understanding of why this happening.

Absolutely frustrated and sick of getting nowhere with getting any resolution to these complaints.

A communications company that lacks the ability to actually communicate with customers.

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Appalling customer service

From my own 3-4 month long experience, some of the folks in the Executive Complaints were pretty poor, I actually asked on one occasion that someone else could take ownership of my case which was granted, the original case handler was driving me up the wall, over the course of the complain I had 2 more before finally landing with one of their GOATs....and she indeed got everything sorted and compensated me for all of the previously wasted time.

Not that in any way am I advocating it should be on your to keep persisting to get it resolved by someone competent, I am just mentioning that there are good people in that team somewhere.

You may even find the mods from here help pick this up.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 3 of 7

Re: Appalling customer service

But once you've elevated an issue to Executive Complaints the Forum Mods can't touch it
0 Ratings
Message 4 of 7

Re: Appalling customer service

I didnt know that.

They can see it though, because in my case the Executive Complaints lady didnt want my IPTV going live at the same time, she was like lets just do one thing at a time (if you knew the story you'd know why), so I had my FTTP go live and once confirmed stable she set the TV go live date. The TV did not go live on that date and I posted here as it was a IPC error, the one that relates to no packets and a mod did get in touch with me right away to mention my complaints handler was working on it and that there wasnt a fault for me to resolve.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
0 Ratings
Message 5 of 7

Re: Appalling customer service

rant=rant+1 😉

Whenever I have contacted them, I've been told that I have a call scheduled with "person a" on a specific day and time. I am told that there are all kinds of escalation paths and notifications to management if these events/calls don't occur. The scheduled events pass and when I call to chase up, the event/call has been moved to such and such a time. When that time is past, I call again and am informed that the call is scheduled for such and such a time. This has gone for weeks and as a former Programme Manager (actually did freelance work for BT Openreach - which is ironic) I am appalled that this keeps happening. How can this keep happening? All of these internal escalation paths/notifications and nothing happens. How is it possible that the complaints can be closed by the people that I am complaining about - yeah that's a thing too, apparently.

On every call, I request that this is escalated and am told there is nothing that can be done. How is that even possible?

I am having to use a mobile phone as hot spot to do basic emails etc, as the brand new EE failover 4G kit, was turned off after a week as someone in BT decided we have cancelled an order, which, unsurprisingly, we didn't have anything to do with.  The kit turned up out of the blue around the original order in June, which we weren't informed of and being a techie, I installed it so BT could try and diagnose the connection - they can't even see the router. We've been told twice and engineer was coming on such and  such a day and guess what, they never showed, as the way they were scheduled was incorrect/weird.

It just goes on and on and I've spent around 10 hours or so on the phone to a communications company that apparently hasn't mastered the ability to make outbound calls. Nuts.

It just keeps getting more surreal the longer it goes on.

Apparently the service will be restored at the beginning of August, but I'm not holding out much hope, as the previous dates have come and gone.

Anyone from BT on here care to actually pick this up and take ownership of this?




0 Ratings
Message 6 of 7

Re: Appalling customer service

I have asked a forum mod to see if they can help you.  they are the only BT employees on the forum everyone else is a customer just like you

the mods will post here

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Message 7 of 7

Re: Appalling customer service

Thank you your input and escalating this to a mod. Tis appreciated.

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