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Message 31 of 33

Re: another two weeks passs

I would doubt there many alternatives on the west coast of Shetland. At least it has the best scenery in Britain.

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Message 32 of 33

and another week, another modem....Re: another two weeks passes

Well after ANOTHER cancelled order without explanation and ANOTHER modem (the 5th one) that has arrived, I get a call today saying that the promise of  the line going active on monday  is now not possible , ( no reason) and that I will get a call back on tuesday next week. That will be THREE MONTHS that I have had to wait for this. And BT send me a survey today saying  " how likely am I to recommend BT to a friend or relative........" I mean this is just a joke!!!!

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Message 33 of 33

Re: and another week, another modem....Re: another two weeks passes

Well, no good news then.

I think I asked this before, why haven't you tried placing a new order for a brand new line with BT or someone else? I mean an entirely new line so new telephone number and account.

Then cancel the spare one.

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