Message 1 of 4

BT Complaints Process, does ADR do anything?

Hi all,

I have posted here before - I ordered Wi-Fi broadband in late June with an activation date of 11 July.

I still don’t have Wi-Fi as of today, 20 Sept, and there are ongoing complex problems with Openreach which mean there is no point in me moving to another provider.

I’ve now been sent an Alternative Dispute Resolution letter saying it’s been long enough that I can take my problem to the ombudsman.

has anyone done this / does anyone know if doing it helps solve the problem quicker by putting pressure on BT (or allowing them to put pressure on Openreach)?

I just want / need internet at this stage and don’t want to waste time with another process if it’s not going to help speed up the process of getting internet.

(Or until I’ve totally lost hope I guess, which is not far off now to be honest)

thanks for your help again.



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Message 2 of 4

Re: BT Complaints Process, does ADR do anything?

I have asked for same thing as well as a copy of original telephone fault call or a transcript.

They put me on a NEW contract which I did not want or ask for !.

Now have to change supplier to Gigaclear for £17 + £3 for phone per month.

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Message 3 of 4

Re: BT Complaints Process, does ADR do anything?

Do you know what the underlying issue is ? , if ( for example ) you were in a property where service is just not available yet ,

For example something like , a new site home , where the developer advises Openreach of the schedule of the way the site would develop ( so in simple terms , they say to OR , 60 plots , and they will be released in plot order ( so plot 1 first , plot 60 last ) and OR schedule work to extend the new network as the site develops, so first Openreach work ‘enables’ plots 1-5 , and the next ‘extension’ is assumed to be plots 6-10 but unexpectedly the developer sells and allows occupation of plot 60 even though the network is only at plot 5 , let alone 6-10 , or 11-15 etc ….and the way the network expands OR cannot simply jump to that plot , they have to wait until OR can build that part of the network which could be dependent on the plots in between being completed, that would be a lengthy wait for the occupant of plot 60.

Perhaps  you can give some details on what the reason for the delay is , obviously my example may be nothing like the issue you face , but hopefully illustrates why some issues cannot be fixed quickly 

As far as ADR , if the problem was something like this , then it’s a physical problem, not a lack of will and their involvement wouldn’t speed anything up , TBH , I would think in most cases , they just suggest you be allowed to leave penalty free , but have you asked for and been denied that anyway ?

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Message 4 of 4

Re: BT Complaints Process, does ADR do anything?

Unfortunately the property is not new - the previous occupants had internet and landline with BT.

There have been a series of problems all seemingly unrelated. For the first six weeks or so it was a series of issues around external cabling work that needed completing and took ages to be finished.

Now I’ve been told that the physical work has all been done but there is a new problem, which is that Openreach says there’s an order already open on my line and so keeps rejecting my/ BT’s orders. I didn’t place this ghost open order and don’t even know which provider it is with (Openreach won’t say) and it seems this ghost order is stuck and not automatically cancelling as it should.

Openreach seem happy for the pattern of failed orders to continue indefinitely and have placed the onus on me to find out who the order is with and cancel it. But since I didn’t place it and don’t know who it’s with this is basically impossible - try calling a random ISP and explaining that even though you don’t have an account with them you want them to investigate if a mysterious order for your property exists in their systems!

if the ADR process enables BT to put pressure on Openreach (or indeed causes Openreach itself to be looked into) this would be helpful as the problem does now seem to be Openreach not BT.

However if they just say I can leave my contract penalty free that’s useless to me. I can already leave penalty free as technically the contract doesn’t start until my service does but any ISP using Openreach which I move to (unless I chance upon the one with this mysterious order) will have the same problem. 

apologies for the long post! Thanks for your patience.

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