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Message 1 of 3

BT keep sending me other people bills

Ok so about 2 years ago I moved out of my parents house. While the account was in my mother's name, the email on the account was my personal one as I was looking after the broadband anyway.

After I moved out and got my own broadband at my own place, I logged into my mum's account and changed every possible email address I could find to my mum's email.

Last month when my mum's contract was up for renewal, when talking to the agent on the phone I've asked him to make sure the email is changed. He confirmed he changed it and that new contract details will be send to my mum's email address. 30 mins later the email was sent to my private email address so clearly nothing has changed.

I called back and while talking to another agent I once again asked to change the email address, but he said everywhere where he can change it it's already changed. Few days ago I received another bill into my inbox that should have been sent to my mum instead.

How on earth can I get BT to stop sending me my parents' bills? This is really getting annoying and I'm thinking about getting ICO involved because BT is refusing to update personal details they keep on file. 

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Message 2 of 3

Re: BT keep sending me other people bills

The bills are sent to the BT ID user name, which is also an email address. The contact email address does not change this. If you login to MyBT and click on Your Details at the top of the page under the purple BT banner. You should see an option to update the BT ID so that the bills are sent there instead. 

Your BT ID details

These are the details you use to login to your My BT account online. Your BT ID is also the contact email we will use to tell you your bill is ready.


Message 3 of 3

Re: BT keep sending me other people bills

I've just checked this. The 'BT ID' under Your Details > Profile is my mum's email address yet they keep sending the bills to me instead. 

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