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Message 1 of 10

Disabled customer needs reconnection to contact medical services

Apologies for the rant, but this my BT experience today.

I was trying to reconnect my landline, as I have been out of the country for several years. All the equipment is still installed, I just need reconnection. The person I spoke to was very helpful, but he had to put me on hold several times and converse with his supervisor. Apparently, the supervisor was not happy with the passwords I supplied to the security questions. I take medications which affect my cognition and memory, so my passwords have to be something I can remember, and to be told that my password is not acceptable, and that I will have to think up another password on the spur of the moment, and then try to remember it, is just not good enough. I have the right to choose the answers to the security questions. The answers were not offensive, therefore BT has no right not to accept my answers.

I have stage 4 cancer and I'm on oral chemo, which affects my cognition and memory.

Furthermore, I was told that BT could not accept my contact number, because I was phoning from a mobile in Dubai. This is the only contact number I have, and to be told that BT can't accept it is simply beyond belief. You're a telephone company, you should be able to phone me anywhere! The person insisted that I had to supply a UK number - which I don't have - so BT could contact the number and inform someone about the connection, otherwise they could not reconnect the phone landline. I very reluctantly gave a friend's number. This is totally unacceptable practice - as this invades not only my privacy but also my friend's. What happened to private and confidential information practice? When I messaged my friend to inform her what I'd had to do, she was upset and concerned that BT might set a sales rep on her - which, of course, would be grounds for further complaint.

The representative did the best he could, but was evidently hampered by his supervisor and, as a result, I ran out of international minutes on my phone and was cut off. I had given the telephonist my number, but he did not call me back, as he said BT operatives can only make UK calls. Again, you are a telephone company - why can't you phone me in Dubai? I was sent a 'pre-contract documents' email, but right now, I don't know whether anything has gone through, or whether I have to start the whole process again. I've been a BT customer for over 30 years, but I have to wonder whether BT wants my continued business or not. The company is certainly doing nothing to welcome me back, in fact it seems bent on putting unnecessary obstacles in my way. I need a landline set up at home as soon as I arrive so that I can make calls to my doctor and hospital, and at this moment, I have no idea whether that has been done or not.

There are other people with more profound disabilities than me, and if this is an example of how BT treats disabled people, the company seriously needs to address its policies.

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Message 2 of 10

Re: Disabled customer needs reconnection to contact medical services


This is just a customer to customer help forum, everyone here, including myself, are just customers.

The only BT Employees are the forum moderators.

You can place an order online, its easier that way.


0 Ratings
Message 3 of 10

Re: Disabled customer needs reconnection to contact medical services

Hi Keith,

Thanks for the information, I tried the website, but didn't work. Hence the phone call and it looks like that didn't work either.

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Message 4 of 10

Re: Disabled customer needs reconnection to contact medical services

A moderator may offer help here.

0 Ratings
Message 5 of 10

Re: Disabled customer needs reconnection to contact medical services

Hi @Starsky 

Welcome to the community, sorry for the experience you've had when trying to set up an account.

I can help take a look at this if only to try to make the order process passwords etc a little easier for you.

You've mentioned you received a pre-contract email does it ask you to agree to the contract in the email?

I've sent you a private message asking for some details to see if we can help. In the meantime if you can try again online or if you have the option to call again please do as it might be a few days before we can get back to you as we're a very small team.



0 Ratings
Message 6 of 10

Re: Disabled customer needs reconnection to contact medical services

Thanks for you help, but the matter is still not resolved. I'm really upset and stressed out by BT's behaviour. It's shocking! They have no idea how stressful this is. Not to know if your landline is going to be connected or not and that it is the only form of communication that you have to the medical services. I don't have a UK mobile. Without the landline I cannot arrange for broadband to be installed, which again I need for online medical appointments. It's disgusting how BT treat Stage 4 cancer patients. I'm so upset. I cried on the phone this afternoon when I called BT, but all you get is 'I;m sorry' 'We can't do anything', 'its an automated system'. I'm at a lost of what to do. Then I read on their facebook page how they support cancer patients. Just stop and think for a moment.... how that makes me feel.

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Message 7 of 10

Re: Disabled customer needs reconnection to contact medical services

Hi @Starsky, sorry you're still waiting to be connected and don't know when the service will be connected.

Did you reply to Stuart's Private Message so we can help you with this?



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Message 8 of 10

Re: Disabled customer needs reconnection to contact medical services

Hi John,

Yes I did, but it's not been resolved. After 1 formal complaint, several phone calls, one of which I broke down in tears (today) and several facebook messages and a lot of 'I'm sorry', 'It's an automated system' 'I cannot do anything' along with false promises. I'm still waiting for the connection and I'm not even sure this will happen. Apparently according to BT a stage 4 cancer patient is not a priority! Without a landline I cannot install broadband and I need broadband so that I can have online appointments with my onocologist. BT need to be aware this may result in my life saving cancer treatment being delayed. It's that serious. So stop for a moment and think.....if this was happening to you (God forbid) how would you feel? 

0 Ratings
Message 9 of 10

Re: Disabled customer needs reconnection to contact medical services

Hi @Starsky, I understand your frustration at the delay but I'm sure my colleagues in the Social Media team are working hard to get you connected asap. 
I've sent you another Private Message please reply to that with your details and I'll get one of the team to look at this in the morning for you.



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Message 10 of 10

Re: Disabled customer needs reconnection to contact medical services

Well tomorrow I start my journey back to Shetland and will finally reach home on Wed 26th April. The issue of the recomection of my landline and the installation of broadband has still not been resolved and I doubt it will be.
I'm extremely worried and stressed that I will not be able to access the medical services and treatment on my return due to this and that my treatment may be delayed. And I have to say you only get one chance with cancer!
To be honest the whole issue has made me ill and I really cannot take much more of this.
It's very clear to me that despite contacting the CEO, the Chair and Executive Office, this simple process is not going to happen and I have no faith in BT whatsoever now. I have no UK mobile and even if I did have one, you cannot get a signal where I live.
It's shameful that this is how a British company treats stage 4 cancer patients.
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