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Message 1 of 3

Duplicate billing

Having upgraded to the full works I am still charged £10.99 for Netflix on top of the (from memory) £76 which includes the standard Netflix subscription, BT/EE just can’t get this right and I refuse to sign a direct debit.  I pay my bill in advance so they get the benefit and when I ring (when I have a spare half hour to get through to them!) they apologise and credit my account but why not sort it so the problem is corrected?  I was promised a £50 credit by the operator who sold me the full works if they couldn’t get it right (and I warned him they wouldn’t).  Now fed up as when I call I get a “your account is overdue by £10.99 and we will take action message” - this is absurd.  The problem stems back to the **bleep** up that was me recontracting in May that they messed up and cancelled my Netflix account.  Committed to excellent customer service? I don’t think so! 

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Duplicate billing


Welcome to the community.

I know it's never ideal when there's confusion surrounding bills and payments with us, and it's the last thing we'd want.

Please contact us directly so we can discuss the bills in further detail, and make sure any add-ons or extras are as they should be. 


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Message 3 of 3

Re: Duplicate billing

Yes if you have Full Works TV packs in May that you should have had Netflix Standard included automatically.

Presumably before that upgrade you had another TV pack and had separately Netflix standard as add-on. From here on I am only speculating . Your addon would typically be a monthly addon and your experience suggests that either the ceasing of that old addon  (with your previous pack) or  the provision of the  new addon  (a Full Works included element) didn’t go as expected (or steps done in wrong sequence ). Looks like a job for a back office  team to fix but the question really is have the front line team(s) referred it to them otherwise they will always be in the scenario of saying they agree it is wrong and issue a credit.

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