Message 1 of 5

End of contract coming soon.

Broadband and phone deal ending beginning of March. Problem is I've apparently ordered new hub for digital voice migration, can't remember ordering it, but never mind. Due to this new hub order I'm unable to view new offers from BT or EE. Every time I click on switch to EE or BT offers it says i can't place another order until order is complete. 

Have looked online for other deals with other providers and I'm getting similar offers to BT/EE. Due to not being able to except offers with BT, would I be best to take one of the offers from other providers before their deals change and get more expensive. 

Not really sure what my options with BT/EE are?

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Message 2 of 5

Re: End of contract coming soon.

You don't need to sign up for a new contract with BT - or EE.
Just do nothing and your broadband service will continue on a month by month basis. The only downside is that , if you got any discounts with your last contract they'll stop once you go month to month.
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Message 3 of 5

Re: End of contract coming soon.

Check on your MYBT for an open order which will tell you date when your switch over will take place and also give date when equipment (Smart 2 Hub) being despatched.

Once this BT migration DV is completed then your offers will again appear on your MYBT.

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Message 4 of 5

Re: End of contract coming soon.

You are best to call BT 0330.1234.150 to see what deals they will offer you.

Before you call look around to what other providers will offer and use that to try and get a better or matching deal.

If you don't get what you want be prepared to move to a new provider.

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Message 5 of 5

Re: End of contract coming soon.

Anecdotally the offers on ‘My BT’ can be bettered by actually calling BT and negotiating, as stated using prices available from other ISPs  , so the fact that your My BT offer page is not available due to your impending change to DV may be useful if it causes you to call , as you likely will get a better deal doing that anyway .

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