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Message 1 of 2

How soon can I transfer?

Hi there,

My contract expires at the end of September and I'm planning to move to another supplier as the options BT/EE are offering me are much more expensive than I can get elsewhere.

When I've previously changed broadband suppliers they've allowed me to move without any cancellation charge at any time during the last month of the contract. 

Do BT do this as well or will they hold me until the final day?

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Message 2 of 2

Re: How soon can I transfer?

No ISP forgives early termination charges as a matter of course, if your contract ( minimum term ) expires end of September, and your new ISP is also going to use Openreach to deliver its services , then it’s 10-14 days to arrange, they serve notice to BT ( not you ) so the optimal date to call the new ISP is 2 weeks before the minimum term expires…..if moving ISP but staying on Openreach the 30 day notice doesn’t apply, ETC may apply depending on the date when the switch is made , but a day or two early , ETC is negligible, as is paying a few days at the ‘out of contract’ price if the switch is a day or two late of the exact date you woukd like

IMHO , it’s difficult and not worth the grief to try and get the switch for the exact date if the expiry of the minimum term , but you can always ask the new ISP for that exact date ( that’s if staying on Openreach ) , they may arrange it , they may not , or they may say they have , but it still happens a few days early or a few days late , 

If you are going to use Virgin or an Alt Net , the 30 days notice does apply as you are leaving Openreach completely , so the optimum time to give notice is the end of August, but obviously if you ask BT to stop on a particular day , and the new network isn’t ready ( delayed for some reason ) , you obviously will be without service until the new network is installed .

I suspect many would get the new network in and working , and only then give notice to quit the old provider as paying for 2 services for a month may be better than potentially having no service at all for a period.

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