Hello everyone
We are trying to order a better internet and for about half a year I expressed interest to order Ultrafast full fibre but
to this day I can't order and my neighbor living in the same building next door can.
At the moment we use Fiber 2 option but I feel a bit unfairly treated because I pay more than my neighbor and my internet is 5x slower. 4 years ago we moved to the new address where we live to this day and we wanted to keep the phone number and from what I can see that we are connected to the cabinet at the old address.
I already checked the status of our phone line and I am attached photos below.
I will be grateful for any help or advice on how I can get a better internet speed.
Thank you.
From your results neither you or your nextdoor neighbour can receive Native WBC FTTP (full fibre)
Does your neighbor have one of these installed?
In addition to the above be worth using https://www.broadbandchecker.btwholesale.com/#/ADSL/AddressHome
and checking several address of neighbours next to you.
Check to see if WBT FTTP is shown as available.
If it is available then it could be a record issue. If your immediate neighbours addresses are showing as WBC FTTP Available then calling the FTTP Team explaining the situation and they maybe able to find out and get the records corrected along with ordering a full fibre service for you: 0800 587 4787
Have you checked which network your neighbour is using? Maybe it's an AltNet rather than Openreach.
Thanks for the clarification @Jacek77
Best to give the FTTP team a call and explain your immediate next doors neighbours in the same building complex have WBC FTTP available to them but for some reason for your address it's showing as not available.
0800 587 4787
It would be worth comparing the address details on your BT account with that of your neighbour for any discrepancies before calling the FTTP team. It may help pinpoint where an error may lie.
No problem @Jacek77
Another tip on top of @rbz5416
Check the list of address returned by https://www.broadbandchecker.btwholesale.com/#/ to see if there's another similar address for your property.
I've seen in some cases where there's a similar address for a property which has been assigned to the correct NADKEY in Openreach's records but the account is associated with another that has a similar address (looks almost the same but maybe misspelt as an example). Also seen it where a property is renamed.