need to return Smart Hub 2, Hybrid Connect and Wi-Fi Disc.
Was sent two return bags - each have a different return address on the pre-paid labels contained within.
So I have two bags, 3 pieces of kit and no indication of which bag is for which kit item/s.
The return request came in two separate emails - one email for the Smart Hub 2 one email Hybrid with the Disc.
Would appear that the Smart Hub 2 should be to one address and the Hybrid with the Disc should go to the other address.
Anyone out there with a similar experience please?
Seen a good few comments about delays in processing returns so would like to minimise issues.
Hi @USER100 and welcome to our community.
Sorry for any confusion with the returns. There should be a bar code on the returns bag so place the hub in one and the other items in the other and get a receipt / proof of postage once posted. I'll drop you over a private message now so you can get in touch about this and I'll make sure they're marked as returned for you.
Thanks David - appreciate you picking this up.
I have two returns bags, each blank but each with a stick on returns label. no way to differentiate which kit for which label. no corellation with the kit product number or S/N that I can spot.
One address is
BT Returns, Yorkshire Distribution Centre, YDC, XX10 1BT
the other is
BT Returns, SDC, XX50 5NN
Are you able to indicate which kit to which address label please? - does it matter?
Many thanks,
Thanks for posting back @USER100
I am sorry for the confusion here. Returning the equipment shouldn't be so complicated. Just use the one label to send all back in the one go.
Also, send us your details by replying to the message David sent out and we can keep an eye/sort out things from here.