Does anyone understand the computation for a Line Rental Saver Credit?
I have such a credit on my bill today without any explanation as to how it has been computed. It does not seem to equal the value for the remaining period of the LRS.
I agree - the way bills are worked out often leaves me scratching my head.
I've not renewed my LRS even though mine was due just before this change in policy. I suddenly realised that we've all been giving them quite a bit of money up front and I now want to pay for what I have used.
Now being on Digital Voice one wonders why there is still a high line rental. Other companies like YouFibre don't charge for line rental. There is no copper line and exchange equipment to maintain as such.
If you don’t want any telephony with your broadband, you can have that , with BT it’s £5/month cheaper, unfortunately you seem to conflate ‘line rental’ with ‘telephony’ , which is understandable , but if you do away with telephony you still have a ‘line’ to supply your broadband, irrespective of it being fibre or copper and therefore needs to be paid for, however it’s been the case for years that line rental isn’t a separate element in the bill but included with the broadband charge .
Your comment that other Telcos don’t charge for line rental , neither does BT if you don’t take telephony, if these other Telcos actually can provide Telephony ( and many of them don’t ) they don’t supply it for free it’s a charged for service, exactly the same as BT .
If your comment , is ‘ why is DV the same price as PSTN telephony, it should be cheaper ‘ , no one is forced to take Telephony from BT , don’t like the BT price but want to keep telephony ( with BT DV is intentionally the same price as PSTN so as not to disadvantage those not yet migrated onto DV from PSTN ) don’t take telephony from BT , get it from some other VoIP provider , it’s pretty simple really .
The credit is not based on any remaining amount as that's staying on your account until it expires. It's based on how long you've had line rental saver from what i understand
Does anyone know how much credit is given and what its relationship is to the length of time one has had line rental saver?
I have been on LRS for 12 years and received £28 credit on my latest bill. How they arrived at that is a mystery.
@YourSister wrote:
Some of us are not on Digital Voice and rely on a physical line for emergencies.
So how do you think Digital Voice is delivered if not via a physical line?
Copper lines and exchanges are still in service here! I do not want to go digital as hubs do not work if there is a power cut!!
Neither do analogue cordless phones, but plenty of folk use them exclusively
Some of us don't have good mobile signals so cannot rely on a mobile in an emergency.
For a 999 call, mobiles can be used on any network. It is rare not to have coverage by at least one provider.
As for the LRS, I'm v upset it's being stopped as the last of an insidious and invidious change being imposed on us, whittling down its meaningfulness over the years, changing the terminology, hiding line rental within a package AND then charging flippin EXTRA for being able to receive calls - what a cheek.
It is LINE RENTAL, nothing to do with telephony capability. Broadband still needs a physical line. You have broadband line that has telephony capability rather than a phone line that has broadband capability. You can have broadband without telephony if you wish at a slightly reduced cost. Why should BT provide the extra equipment etc needed in order to supply you with a phone number free of charge?
BT have just given me a credit of £44.28 on the latest bill, for having line rental saver since God was a boy!