Hi all,
Recently upgraded from a Copper line to a Fibre line. Was missold a product when I recontracted and am astonished at how this was done and only came to light when my bill was produced.
Where do I go for help from here? What department do I ask for when I ring?
Hi @MaryMc
If you can explain the issue the community maybe able to help.
If you have a query over your bill you can call customer services and speak to the billing and accounts team: 0330 1234 150
Similar issues, in particular not advised of £15/month roaming charge, previously free with BT. Did you have any joy with resolution ?
if you have mobile roaming charges then you must be on EE and need to post in EE community Bt roaming is free
But I was mis-sold the EE plan by BT. It appears they are trying to force people on to EE plans without fully explaining the consequences, hence my assertion that they have mis-sold the EE plan.