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Message 1 of 2

Multiple Failed engineer visit’s, booked weeks in advance, breach of contract ?

Hi everyone,

can anyone offer any advice, we moved out of our house at the end of November and told BT we wouldn’t be moving in until Jan, late december we gave bt a firm date for the engineer to come and set us up 26 th Jan,   On the day we were told it could be between 1am  and 6pm, after a few text’s no one showed up we called the bt engineer and we’re told by the engineer he has told bt he wouldn’t make it, bt hand no idea about this when we spoke to them, they promised dig deeper and would call us back the day after, we got not such call so called BT again, this time they managed to arrange an appointment but to our frustration they couldn’t do anything until the 1st (today) and guess what?! no one turned up again, another call to bt and they don’t know what or why no one turned up.

We’re now waiting for another call back, but at this point I’m looking to terminate my contract on the grounds that they seemingly can’t provide the service im paying for, alternativly I’ll have to get legal advice on billing BT for loss of pay as both myself and my wife work from home and are having to take days off until we get connected. 

So bt gurus are bt in breach of contract ? Can I terminate my contract early as I’ve hand enough now. 

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Multiple Failed engineer visit’s, booked weeks in advance, breach of contract ?

Hi @Barwell1992, welcome to the forum, and I'm very sorry that you've had multiple appointments and no one has turned up.

You can Cancel The Package you've ordered as you've not been connected yet.

You would be entitled to Automatic Compensation if we committed to an installation date with you. Having an appointment would indicate that this was the case. You would be due for late activation and missed appointments. If an order is cancelled before it's activated, automatic compensation will stop on the cancellation date.





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