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Message 21 of 24

Re: My neighbour has FTTP but i can't get it

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Well now here's a snag. A few years ago royal mail renamed our house which is 100 years old. We'll call it L,SC instead of SCL. There are no numbers anywhere round here. Didn't bother with it as it became the postal address only. Gradually the banks started saying that they didn't recognise the new address. Fair enough. So we applied to have it named correctly with the streets and naming officer of the local authority. Easy and smooth process.

We never bothered to alert BT after all it was only a billing address. Now there are two addresses listed with Openreach at the same address. The old one and the new one. The old one L,SC is defunct at the openreach fibre availabilty checker. Through the superb actions of openreach we now have the possibility of fibre at SCL. Fixed within 2 days by amending the PON i think

So i get onto BT to discuss options for FTTP

There is confusion they do not have a property registered as SCL only one called L,SC. Fibre is not available at L,SC.

No, a name change is not possible as it counts as an address change and I guess the account is tied to a physical location and name of property. We could have a new account set up but the existing landline number might be lost. We use it a lot as do others calling us. There are also vulnerability issues registered with BT. We already have digital voice with backup battery and full Halo3plus. Mobile signal is weak and use VOwifi.

Is there anyone who can see a solution? 

I wonder if Openreach can reallocate the fibre PON to L,SC?

Is there a way that BT can guarantee the number is transferred to a new account?

Are there any gotchas with obtaining a new account after 37 years?

Any and all advice gratefully received







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Message 22 of 24

Re: My neighbour has FTTP but i can't get it

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Message 5 asked if there was anything out of the ordinary about the address, but was aimed at the OP , this shows the problem of adding another person’s issues to an existing post rather than starting a new one , but anyway , 

If your existing BT account is recorded against the ‘bad’ version address and can’t order FTTP , but the ‘good’ address can now order FTTP but has no relationship with your current BT account ( although both refer to the same property )  this means taking the existing phone number onto BT FTTP is going to be an issue , there are a couple of possible solutions ,

The  one almost guaranteed to work , is you order BT  FTTP as a standalone broadband service ( no phone service )  for the ‘good’ version of the address and you also ( after FTTP is in )  ‘port’ your existing phone number to a traditional VoIP supplier and access it via an ATA using your BT broadband , this gives you the same phone number but it isn’t as integrated  as BT DV using the phone  port on the BT router ,but it gives you what you currently have , albeit the phone number not provided by BT and is the responsibility of the VoIP provider, porting the number also ceases your ‘old’ copper broadband service.

or you ask BT for an ORDI ( Openreach data integrity check ) this could remove the ‘bad’ version of your address from OR records completely, leaving only the correct version of the address , BT  then align your current BT account with that correct version of the address , allowing you to then migrate your BT phone and broadband services onto FTTP in the normal way .

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Message 23 of 24

Re: My neighbour has FTTP but i can't get it

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Most helpful again. Thanks.

I think I favour method 2 {ask BT for an ORDI ( Openreach data integrity check )}  especially as there is no rush and it would be a more elegant solution for the future. It helps to have everything under one company as I found out many years ago with the late but unlamented Virgin landline service. There was so much buck passing with no one taking responsibility.

I'll let the forum know how I get on.

Thanks again

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Message 24 of 24

Re: My neighbour has FTTP but i can't get it

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SCL is the address with the UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number ) so it cannot be moved to L,SC.   In fact L,SC has no services at all except at BT accounts!

Helpfully Openreach have suggested that the best way forward is to request a house move, even though it's the same premises. Once that is done then SCL has access to FTTP and re-contracting for all services as required incl. FTTP.


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