Apologies if i have posted this twice.On 9/3/23 i called bt to renew my fibre halo1 in order to avoid the price increase.I was out of contract.I
He mentioned full fibre but i said that i didn't want it at the moment.I received confiming emails,one about a visit from an engineer.I called again to cancel the engineer.There were 2 orders on mybt,1 pending ,1 open.,i called on Saturday & was told the order was for full fibre halo 3.I was advised to call back following day.I did,told the story again & was advised to cancel both orders & revert to my fibre halo 1 & call back in a couple of days to renew to my original contract.
So both order were cancelled & my bt were showing no orders & it was showing me back on fibre halo1.Everything appeared ok.Today i get an email saying We're sorry you want to stop your tv services with us.
These services will also stop:
On mybt there was a new order,i called again todaytalked with 2 guys ,the second one cancelled the order to remove my tv items & i was told i would have to call back in 24 hours in order to renew my fibre halo 1.
Thats where i'm at at the moment.there are no current orders showing on mybt & i appear to be back on fibre halo 1 & my tv items all seem to be back.Broardband is showing, your contract period has ended as opposed to you are out of contract.Is there a difference.
All my tv & sport items appear to be back..Before all this started i was under the impression that i could carry on as out of contract without renewing.I'm inclined not to get involved again in trying to avoid the price increases.Don't want all this hassle again.
So do i HAVE to call bt to renew my fibre halo 1 or can i just continue as i am with no contract.
I'm wondering if a moderator might take a look at this to see exactly what is going on.
once your fixed term contract ends then you can continue on a rolling monthly contract but will be subject to the increases due 31st March
That was my understanding untill i was told that i had to phone in to renew my contract,which gives me the impression that with all that has gone on with the orders & whatever that it will not continue on the rolling monthly thing.
The first guy i spoke to about this concerning the price increase also said that i couldn't renew the fibre halo 1,that i was on.Hence my confusion & uncertainty about all thats been going on & a feeling that maybe a moderator might be able to make sense of it.
There is obviously confusion somewhere at BT ,imean why would they remove ny big sport etc when i haven't even mentioned that,it's worth £40 a month to BT.
" That is because Halo 1 is no longer offered"
I did get that impression but wasn't actually told that.Also the last person i talked with told me that after he had cancelled the order that had been set up to remove my big sport etc,which he appears to have done,i would have to phone in again in 24 hours ( tomorrow ) to renew my fibre halo 1 contract.