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Message 1 of 3

Please can someone stop them sending me bills, emails, texts, I have no service and never have.

There is no broadband facility where I live. I have sent back the broadband pack, only to be sent another which I did not request. I have spoken to staff already, a couple of times, told them to stop, as there is NO broadband facility where I live.

I have been sent a bunch of engineer appointments, which never show up, because, there is no broadband facility where I live.

I have just been sent email saying I have a bill. This has been going on months and months.

I have no service and no BT account.

How to make them leave me alone please????? They do not stop, it is harrassment.

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Please can someone stop them sending me bills, emails, texts, I have no service and never have.

Are you sure these messages genuinly are from BT?

BT can only bill you if you have an account, in which case your account number will be on the bill.

From what you have said, I would guess that you're being spammed but not by BT

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Please can someone stop them sending me bills, emails, texts, I have no service and never have.

Hi @MatB73 

Welcome to the community.

I can understand your concern with this.

Had you enquired about taking broadband with us at all?

You mentioned you had spoken to staff already, were they able to locate an account in your name and at your address?

What did our guides say when you spoke to them?


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