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Problem with renewing contract

I never envisaged I would encounter problems when I rang to renew my broadband and line rental contract with BT on 17th April. My contract is due to expire on 5th May. 

I agreed to a price of £34.99 for both. When the email came through, the price was £39.99. Which is £5 extra per month.

I phoned immediately and spoke to Jack in the connectios team. I was told  that yes, they could see the error that had been made, but 24 hours would have to elapse to enable them to cancel the incorrect contract and raise a new one and I was asked to ring back the following day (18th) which did. 

I spoke to Evan in the connections team, he said Jack hadn't started the process to cancel the incorrect contract, so it now required a further 24 hours and he promised to cancel the incorrect contract and ring me back the next day (Friday 19th) to read me the terms and conditions of the 'new correctly priced' contract.

He didn't ring.

Neither did I receive confirmation of cancellation of the incorrect contract. 

So I rang again on Sunday morning 21st April. 

I spoke to Peter, who could see the incorrect contact was still pending and he couldn't cancel it himself. I was on the phone for around 45 minutes, on hold most of that time, with the most awful, irritating music playing. Peter put me through to Callum in another team, who said the contract would be cancelled by midnight Sunday and he would ring me on Monday morning between 9 and 10am to redo the contract at the correct price.

He didn't ring.

Meanwhile, on Sunday afternoon, my landline was disconnected (for reasons still unexplained) and I was forced to spend another 2 hours on a call to BT to rectify the problem and to have my landline reconnected. Again, most of the time was spent on hold, being subjected to the same awful music.

I asked to be put through to customer complaints as I wanted not only to complin about my phone being disconnected,  but to also complain about the incorrectly priced contract that was still unresolved.

I was told that there isn't a complaints department.

That is such bad practice and BT (or EE as they are now merging) should address this issue immediately. 

The representatives I spoke to, were all kind and courteous, but NONE of them were able to rectify a simple problem that was created by the one who sold me the contract renewal.

There is no email address for customer complaints, only a postal address and that states they will aim to reply in 28 days, but it could take longer. No use at all, when my contract expires on 5th May (10 days time).

I am hoping that a competent service provider from BT, will read this and contact me, saying that they have rectified this issue and restore my faith in BT.

Otherwise, I will certainly be looking for a new provider from 5th May. 

Disheartened and disappointed customer. 

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