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Message 1 of 5

Renewed TV & Broadband - 2 questions


2 questions.

I renewed my contract yesterday for both  broadband & TV, but there are two things niggling me.

1. The 'catch-up' section on the BT Player is no longer there?, has this been replaced?, because I've taken out 'NOW' as part of my package?  It's missing, and a factory reset still shows its missing, or am I as stupid as I look?

2. The router that BT have had the nerve to charge me for - £39.00 (one off cost) is of no use to me whatsoever.  One, because it only has 4 ethernet ports, my AX88U has 8, and they are all used, and Two, the Wi-Fi is only AC, unlike my AX88U, which is Wi-Fi 6, I have 3 laptops which use the new '6' standard.

So, will the engineer (due on 25th of this month), as I'm getting Fibre 900 fitted also, be happy that I wish to use my own hardware?, and can I request that BT not send out their router, and get the refund in the process, as I will use the AX88U regardless?

Thanks for any help.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Renewed TV & Broadband - 2 questions

Hi @scaramonga  

The first question. Is straightforward to answer.

With the flexible  TV packages that include NOW entertainment, NOW  movie or NOW [sky) sports  channels the catch-up and on demand  content is supplied by NOW and can be accessed by their apps , so for example on your BT TV box you have a NOW App.  ( You can also use that same NOW membership on NOW apps on other devices). 
If you were on the legacy BT TV packages the catchup of subscription content when available was available on the BT TV app . 
So typically as you moved onto the newer flexible packages with Now membership you will find that the BT TV app has the AMC  channel catchup   and depending upon your package  maybe Eurosport  catchup and BT Sport catchup  whilst NOW app would have the NOW catchup and on demand.

I will let someone else address the second question.

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Renewed TV & Broadband - 2 questions

Thank you for replying.

I have always had a 'NOW' app on my box, but this is not very clear as to what is what?  I used to always have a 'catch up' in my BT Player (which I used quite frequently), but no explanation as to why it's suddenly gone?  For instance, I have various series on there I have watched, now all gone, with no way to track them.

So, for example, I could go into 'Evil Lives Here', and see I had seen up to 'season 6', but now I don't have a clue???

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Message 4 of 5

Re: Renewed TV & Broadband - 2 questions


2. The router that BT have had the nerve to charge me for - £39.00 (one off cost) is of no use to me whatsoever.  One, because it only has 4 ethernet ports, my AX88U has 8, and they are all used, and Two, the Wi-Fi is only AC, unlike my AX88U, which is Wi-Fi 6, I have 3 laptops which use the new '6' standard.

BT don't charge £39.00 for a Smart Hub, postage is at most £9.99, it sounds more like an activation fee for the TV package.

Also yes you will need to keep it, it's on loan until you either leave BT or it gets replaced, you'd then be asked to send it back, you also need it for some troubleshooting in the event of a fault, you'd be asked to connect it as not all 3rd party equipment will work when diagnosing faults

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Message 5 of 5

Re: Renewed TV & Broadband - 2 questions

You'll also have your watchlist, so search for any programs you are wanting to watch and you can add them in this section.


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