<p>See our <a href="https://www.bt.com/help/broadband/bt-cloud/getting-set-up/download-or-access-files/how-do-i-download-files--folders-and-devices-from-bt-cloud-">help page</a> for further information.</p>
Hello! Cancelled my internet on the 22nd and I’m due to send my Smart Hub 2 back, was told the box to send it back would arrive in ‘a few days’ and now as we edge close to me moving house, I worry it’s just not been sent out. Is there anyway to check this or have the box resent to my new house as I don’t want to have any extra charges added
@Vmpire94 thanks for posting, I'm sorry the returns kit should have arrived by now. I'll send you a private message so you can get in touch with the moderation team.