I've ordered BT Full Fibre 500 for our home in central London, N16, after receiving confirmation that the area has fibre coverage. That was on 5 April 2024. And today is 21 June 2024. So more than 2.5 months have passed and in response to my calls and communications with BT and Open Reach I was promised that an engineer would visit in a few days and install the connection, which never happened. Many apologies and promises, but we are in the same position as on day 1. I have made three complaints to BT, the last one is still open and has been passed on to Open Reach. BT can no longer respond and are asking me to wait for Open Reach to work on the site. This is not a new development or particularly unusual. This is central London and it seems impossible to get a fibre connection in 80 days. I told BT that I would complain to the Communications Ombudsman. They said that even if I went there, they were still basically Open Reach, so nothing would change. I am now going to write to my local MP and ask if there really is nothing that can be done about BT and Open Reach services in the UK. Just wondering if there are many others in a similar position or am I the unlucky one? Thanks.
BT are obviously reliant on Openreach , Openreach when they provide a FTTP to an area try to make the installation journey as easy as they can , but in some cases a delay is inevitable.
It could be an order shouldn’t have been taken ( so a mistake allowing an order in the first place ) , or that a delay was always envisioned and a very long lead time should have been given , not a short lead time .
Put your address into this checker and post the return , the part that’s important looks like this
Our records show the following FTTP network service information for these premises:-Single Dwelling Unit Residential UG Feed with no anticipated issues.
Also indicate if it says single stage installation process or KCI2 assure , this indicates if the potential issues were known in advance
It could be that some work in required in the road/footpath that requires notice to the local council is required , some councils cosy up to Alt Nets and may place obstacles in the way of other providers , if they insist on a long notice period there isn’t much that can be done to speed that up
Openreach do ask staff to work away from home , but TBH , it’s probably more likely that provincial engineers working in the capital than the other way around ,
The potential delay was envisioned given the congested duct survey note , however it still seems an overly long delay , FWIW a ‘heavy lifter’ suggests the need for a mechanical aid to lift the cover of a carriageway jointbox (underground structure) rather than a footpath structure ( jointing chamber ) the lids on carriageway boxes are understandably very heavy , so it’s possible traffic management may be needed if work in the ‘road’ is required.