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Message 1 of 2

Switch from BT 900 to EE 1.6gb order gone horribly wrong!

Hi all,

So on Friday 1/3 I made the decision to make the switch from BT 900 full fibre to EE full work 1.6gb plan. All seemed well after receiving the hub on Monday 4/3 then I realised that none of the details for the WiFi, the 12 months ultimate or the WiFi controls were accessible. It was here that I found my order had been placed under a different email (despite going through verification serval times)! All details were provided to link to me EE mobile account so everything could be managed via the app but not to be. 

queue the first call - advisor says will update the email address and send through the details to my correct address, didn’t receive so they said would post them out and still nothing to this day. 

queue 2nd call as the account should be linked as mentioned above. Advisor cannot link the account together and has to raised to another team. I’m told it will be done within 5 days and provided Monday 11/3 for completion. 

queue 3rd call - account still not linked and the I’ve still no access to parental controls, WiFi settings etc. advisor then says I’ve been told the wrong timescale for linking the accounts, it should be 10 days and the advisor from call 2 hadn’t actually processed the request and it would take 10 working days. 

so I’m asking is there anything that anyone can help with getting this sorted please? I’m paying for the new services, however I cannot use parental setting or time limits which were in place on BT plan, not able to activate free  Xbox ultimate 12 months, cannot see how the mini hub location is performing etc.


please help!!  

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Switch from BT 900 to EE 1.6gb order gone horribly wrong!


Welcome to this user forum for BT Retail phone and broadband customers.

As you are now an EE customer, please register and post on the EE forum, and someone there should be able to help.



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