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Message 11 of 20

Re: Unfixable fault

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Solid orange on the router , and the correct lights on the ONT , irrespective of what you were told would seem to be an ‘account’ problem ( BT rather than Openreach  ) , it’s possible it’s the router , but not as likely as an account configuration error , have you done  a factory reset ?

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Message 12 of 20

Re: Unfixable fault

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Done a factory reset. No joy.

BT say there is no problem with the account (checked with connections).

Openreach say no problem with the fibre coming from the exchange.

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Message 13 of 20

Re: Unfixable fault

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I tend to agree with Openreach in that the network they are responsible for ( headend to your ONT ) on the face if it is fine , steady green PON light , the router having an orange light is key ….that means in effect it’s the OLT into the ‘BT’ network that doesn't ’recognise’ your connection.
Your ISP needs to know your ONT serial number to get you set up , this is normally part of the installation process , you could try asking them to confirm they have the correct ONT serial number recorded ( you reading it from the sticker on the ONT )

is your property a new build , and has only ever had FTTP and you are the first ‘user’ , or is it an older property where it once had a copper pair service which was ‘upgraded’ to FTTP , but by a previous occupant ?

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Message 14 of 20

Re: Unfixable fault

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BT took the serial number of the ONT - matches up with what they have on file apparently.

Property is older and had FTTP installed a while ago it seems.

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Message 15 of 20

Re: Unfixable fault

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If the original ONT installation was a ‘retro build’ one , and whoever ordered FTTP service in the first place  ( and that wasn’t necessarily with BT ) did have a working service , then that also tends to point suspicion at a set up problem, rather than an Openreach problem.

As you say it’s possible that the router is faulty, and presumably you are being sent a replacement, if that doesn’t resolve the issue , I would be asking for your service to be ceased and then reprovided , that way clearing out any dodgy settings /data and giving you a clean setup, although as you tried a PPPoE connection ( which doesn’t need a router ) and that didn’t work , I’m  still unconvinced that it’s a router problem 

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Message 16 of 20

Re: Unfixable fault

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Yeah, a replacement hub is on its way.

I don't think it's the router personally as it was working the night beforehand. I think you are right and a reordering of the service might be needed.

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Message 17 of 20

Re: Unfixable fault

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Sounds like something I can help with. Are you okay to drop some details in a DM?



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Message 18 of 20

Re: Unfixable fault

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New hub arrived - same as before it's showing solid orange light.

I'll contact BT again and see about a total reset.


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Message 19 of 20

Re: Unfixable fault

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So apparently they have ordered a reconnection to  happen today (like I had on the 16th I guess?) - I thought I was just getting a new hub. Tech guy said I will need to wait until the end of the day to see if it works.

He did say he'd call me again tomorrow morning to see if I'm connected. But I'm beginning to think they will have to kybosh the whole thing and start again. 😕


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Message 20 of 20

Re: Unfixable fault

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Hi @tguardi,

Glad that the service is now up and running 🙂

For others following the thread... It looks like the Openreach ONT was stuck with one-way transmission. I did a packet capture early this morning and it showed the PPPoE PAD-I message coming from the hub, then our equipment sending out a PAD-O packet. Nothing happens after than and the Hub would re-send a PAD-I, suggesting the PAD-O never reached the Hub.

After getting Openreach to rebuild the circuit config, the PPP session has come up and service is fully working.
