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Message 1 of 7

Why can't I change the account holder info

Still trying to change Account Holder to myself.  I am the one who pays the bills, the only one to use the internet and can't get BT to change me to the Account Holder.  Been hours over the months on the phone, online and still no joy.   They say it's sorted and then find out it isn't, had another go this a.m.  The missus just happened to be the one who effected our change of domicile with BT.  I'm paying £113.53 a month for **bleep** service.  Only have Internet and 2 mobile phones and missus being told she's used her allowance, thought I had unlimited data.  Billing service won't let me look at my bills "Error has occurred, try again later."  At my wits end and don't want to rub it in but as a 79 year old I'm starting to get confused.  One things for sure, at the end of this contract period I will show who the "Account Holder" is by telling BT to shove it.  Bit much when I can't even check my bills, the final straw.

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Why can't I change the account holder info

you can't just change the account holder to someone else even if it is a spouse (unless account holder deceased).  you could make yourself the account manager by going to MYBT as account holder and that way you would be able to see the bills

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Message 3 of 7

Re: Why can't I change the account holder info

They even have a tab saying "I should be the account holder" but then you have to phone them via the "Help" Line, which I've done a couple of times.  You hang around for a long, long time to get someone to talk to.  They tell you they've sorted it and then you find out things are just the same.  The wife is even less computer savvy than me so she doesn't actually "manage" anything, she just happened to be one who phoned up to change our details when we moved house 10 years ago.  Like I said, I'll prove I'm the account manager by bailing out when the contract comes to an end.  There's not actually anything different that BT does which  I can't get elsewhere i.e. Broadband and phone, however BT is rather expensive for what I use it for.  £113 is a sizeable amount for dissatisfaction in my opinion.

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Message 4 of 7

Re: Why can't I change the account holder info

I have no idea why you are making such a fuss about this, just pretend you are your wife and login with her BTID, does it really matter who is the account manager or the account holder.

Message 5 of 7

Re: Why can't I change the account holder info

Just make sure that when you "prove I'm the account manager by bailing out when the contract comes to an end",  that if you change Internet Provider that you put in the correct details as to who the actual account holder is because the companies only go by the information that has been supplied to them.

Message 6 of 7

Re: Why can't I change the account holder info

Cheers for that, can't be too careful.
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Message 7 of 7

Re: Why can't I change the account holder info

You can do one.
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