Do disabled customers receive discount ?
Welcome to this user forum for BT Retail phone and broadband customers.
The only discounted package is BTHome Essentials.
do you qualify here
@jonnymac1878wrote:Do disabled customers receive discount ?
As previously mentioned there is a social tariff is you're in receipt of qualifying benefits:
For phone line, broadband and landline calls there is BTs Home Essentials
For mobile EE (owned by BT) there is EE Basics
There is also a range of additional support depending on your needs:
First there is Here for you Who we can help
Contact us if you're affected by any of the following:
- critical illness
- life events like unemployment and bereavement
- mental health conditions
- dementia and other cognitive conditions
- speech or language impairments
- physical impairment
- any degree of sight loss
- hearing loss
- literacy and numeracy needs
Then depending on your PC knowledge for online banking, staying safe online, using social media and a range of other support tools, BT have Skills for tomorrow - Currently being reworked but should be back shortly