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Message 11 of 22

Re: how do I know if I'm being overcharged?

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thanks for that advice - I think he may well have agreed over the phone, but being old school, didn't think that was final, and was expecting something in writing for him to formally agree to. I'll bear your advice in mind though in case I ever need it! many thanks

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Message 12 of 22

Re: how do I know if I'm being overcharged?

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He would at the very least have received email confirmation of the new contract.

How long ago was this? Bearing in mind there should be a 14 day cancellation period.

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Message 13 of 22

Re: how do I know if I'm being overcharged?

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How are you determining 700 minutes isn't available to him? I think you are only shown the options to change to rather than all 3 options when you look in MyBT so if he is already on 700 minutes only PAYG or unlimited will be shown.

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Message 14 of 22

Re: how do I know if I'm being overcharged?

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yes he has until Feb 9 as a cooling off period - and he did receive email confirmation. But the wording was all about Halo, which he didn't understand.
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Message 15 of 22

Re: how do I know if I'm being overcharged?

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He's currently on unlimited calls - which is crazy in itself as his useage is so light. But BT told us today that 700 mins is no longer an option. I repeated this back to them as I can see it on their website. But they were adamant. I think the confusion over multiple plans, deals and packages means that BT's position of "this is the only plan available to you" can't really be challenged without cancelling the contract and starting again - at the risk of paying even more!
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Message 16 of 22

Re: how do I know if I'm being overcharged?

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I've trying to get the Mods to clarify this for months, without success. I'm on PAYG & can only upgrade to Unlimited, albeit at two different prices. Although I can also "upgrade" from my free PAYG to PAYG for £3...

Message 17 of 22

Re: how do I know if I'm being overcharged?

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@rbz5416  I feel your pain...

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Message 18 of 22

Re: how do I know if I'm being overcharged?

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yes he has until Feb 9 as a cooling off period - and he did receive email confirmation. But the wording was all about Halo, which he didn't understand.

Then I'd be inclined to be looking round at what the competition can offer. Assuming you can get a better deal, then call back before the 9th & give them the option to reconsider or go ahead with the cancellation.

Message 19 of 22

Re: how do I know if I'm being overcharged?

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@rbz5416 thanks - checking that now!

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Message 20 of 22

Re: how do I know if I'm being overcharged?

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Just a couple of points:

He may struggle to find a provider offering a phone service & if the do, it may mean moving to IP provision.

If you end up cancelling, be very clear that you are cancelling the contract renewal & not the whole service. Then just place an order with the new provider