I have been trying to access Norton and can see that part of the problem is my BTID is not an email address. When I try to change this to an email address I get a message "the recovery email should not match with BT username".
I don't understand this as the email address I am trying to use is the one where my emails from BT regarding bills etc goes to.
Can you help?
Thank you
"You can change your BT ID username and security details at any time by logging in to My BT and selecting Profile from the Settings link".
See link about changing BTID.
Changing your BT ID username and security details | BT Help
You need to use a secondary email address as your recovery email address because if you get locked out of your account BT will send you a recovery email. If it was the same as your BTID email address you would not be able to access it because you are locked out.
Thanks. I will try that but it is annoying as it now means my communications from BT will now go to a different email address which I don't use much...
No it won't. It will only be used if you need to be sent a recovery email because you are locked out of your account.
Your BTID can be any email address that you want, just not the same as your recovery email address.
Ok. Thanks very much for your help.