Message 1 of 6

BT Cloud...Restore to desktop computer

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Good afternoon,

Just having a "play" with my newly installed BT Cloud.

I've got file back up working (automatically) but when I do a test restore, the file is returned from the cloud to the Download section of my Win 10 computer.

This is not a problem for the odd single file as I can just move it back to its original position, but that's not too good if I'm restoring a lot of files.

Should I be able to restore a file from the cloud directly to its original position, or am I expecting too much?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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Message 2 of 6

Re: BT Cloud...Restore to desktop computer

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That's the  way it is - downloads always go to the Downloads folder.  You can select as many files as you want of course.

Message 3 of 6

Re: BT Cloud...Restore to desktop computer

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That's a shame, Earthling, although I thought that might be the case, but forever hopeful...

Thanks again for all your assistance yesterday.

I've left a note in the pinned thread asking for a User Guide update.

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Message 4 of 6

Re: BT Cloud...Restore to desktop computer

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I guess that if you choose Sync rather than Backup then it possibly does put files in the original folder, but there would be a whole lot of other consequences I'd rather not know about, like losing previous versions for example.  But this is supposition, I'm getting what I want from Backup.

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Message 5 of 6

Re: BT Cloud...Restore to desktop computer

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Should I be able to restore a file from the cloud directly to its original position, or am I expecting too much?

A backed-up directory (with all its sub-directories) you can download to wherever you want.

Have a careful read of Selective Download in the UG, where admittedly it is incompletely described, and from message 6 at

Best tried on a small test directory.

Message 6 of 6

Re: BT Cloud...Restore to desktop computer

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Yes, I'm of the old school that says, if it's working, don't touch it, but an up-to-date User Guide might enable us to get the best out of the program.
Having spent a lot of time developing the latest version, I'm amazed the experts haven't gone the extra mile and told us how to use it!
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