I was informed that I had a month to download my cloud data after the account closed but the download in the desktop app (Windows) appears to use the sync mechanism and fails because "You have run out of Space".
I guess it needs some workspace to manage the download list!
Looks as if they restrict your space when the broadband closes then the download will not work!
Downloads via the web interface do not descend through the folder structure so not of much use.
Are any workarounds known?
Hi, @sevenacregreen have you enough free space on your PC to download all the content that has been stored on the BT Cloud service?
I have enough space. I have tried a small folder of only 122MB and it gave the no space error. I tried to download a large folder and the download dialog spun the busy indicator then the bt cloud app shut/crashed, dissapeared from the tray and task manager. The status indicates 0% of 0 used for the space available.
@sevenacregreen Thanks for getting back to me, can you try downloading the same file from the web version of BT Cloud instead of the app? You can log in using this BT Cloud link
Post back and let me know if that works.
I started with the web interface and successfully downloaded quite large folders as zip files and individual files. I switched to the app due to the limitation on the web that it does not include sub folders in the zip.
Another thing i noticed with the app is that the history list of sync transfers is giving odd indications, sometimes recent other times listing a transfer from a year ago.
Thanks for your help so far.
Hi @sevenacregreen we can ask the BT Cloud technical team to look into this for you. I'll send you a private message so you can get in touch with the moderation team.