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Content partners section not appearing

Hi All,

I have searched the forums in depth and even asked the same question last year myself but cannot find a definitive answer. I just moved into a new property and asked BT for a home move, BT agreed to cancel my existing package and create a new package at my new address, basically a new 24 month contract. As such, I was offered 12 more months of Xbox games pass with fiber 900

I have been in my new property for over one month now and still not received my activation email or the content partners link on the site, i have made numerous calls to BT and cannot seem to get an answer when it will be activated. looking at this question thats been asked a huge amount of times before, it seems that the admins on here are able to help and get the link active.

Guys do you think you could assist me with getting it activated please ?

Kind regards,




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