Why doesn't the Hybrid Connect automatically kick in? I have copper Broadband, which generally runs at 6-7Mb/s download and 0.3Mb/s upload.
BT maintains that they are contracted to provide a minimum of 1Mb/s😟!
If I disconnect the Broadband input to the Hybrid unit, the single 4G signal light eventually turns white, and I get 15 -20 Mb/s download and 4-5 Mb/s upload😁
What is the figure which triggers the Hybrid Connect hub?
The Hybrid Connect doesn't kick in when your broadband gets to a predetermined figure, it only cuts in when your broadband goes down.
You can test it by simply unplugging the broadband connection to your Smart Hub and it should kick in within two minutes or so, if it doesn't then you call up BT for technical help.
There is an old post here that goes into detail about copper broadband speeds - Copper Broadband
Depending on your own setup and you state that you get faster speeds through 4G on the Hybrid Connect, if you can't upgrade to a faster connection, then you might be worth looking at 4G Broadband - Stay connected with our 4G Broadband
Thank you Infinitywaiter.
So in fact, continuity of the internet connection is not maintained.
But it is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, especially when 4G gives me three times the speed of my copper wire connection - which manages 6.7MB/s at best.
The Hybrid connect is not intended to give unbreakable service, it is intended for long term breaks in your line.
It takes several minutes of loss of broadband before it kicks in and also before it drops back to a restored broadband signal to avoid flapping in and out for short interruptions.