I installed NORTON 360 free from My BT home page. Since then my HP Pavilion running Widows 10 does not show my internal DVD or external DVD drives.
I have tried to update the drives but it says the latest drives are installed. I’ve uninstalled Norton and done a system restore, all to no avail.
Any help appreciated
Performing a system restore and the drives still not showing up suggests that it's a hardware issue not related to the installation of the Norton software—coincidences do happen!
With this being a HP Pavilion, I'd suggest unplugging all and any USB adapters, fully powering down, drop the battery out for 10 secs, and reboot. The experience here is that some HP Pavilions, hang devices you wouldn't expect off the USB bus which can once in a blue moon cause unexpected issues. Before you plug anything back into any USB ports, check the power they can supply, any external drives may need to be plugged into a port with a higher power capability.
Thank you for your replies but to no avail. I used HP Support Assistant and according to that all drivers are working ok, although I do get an error message in the Device Manager for CD & DVD drives. When I try to update it it says the latest driver is installed. On investigating further I got information it could be a registry issue (see attached screenshot) so perhaps I need to try and fix the registry. Both my external hard drives and USB sticks work in all my sockets, so it's not them. Although my external DVD player doesn't, but that could just be a coincidence.
It's not the end of the world, just frustrating as I like to watch some of my old DVD's on my laptop.
Have you tried actually uninstalling the driver and then reinstalling?
Then I'd Google the problem and see if anyone else has fixed it. Going into the registry is not something to do lightly unless you know what you are doing. (In fact, without more detail you are unlikely to find the problem. The registry is a labyrinth).
Have you tried HP's own support?
Looks to be an old problem:
I finally fixed it. It was a registry issue. I found the answer on Microsoft Support. I've shut down and restarted my laptop and it is still there. For those interested here is a link Your CD or DVD drive is not recognized by Windows or other programs - Microsoft Support
The resolution was method 5.
Thanks for all your help.