Message 1 of 5

Norton security

Hi, Need an urgent help!!! I am not a tech person so I am struggling to install the new Norton security app. I think I managed to uninstalled the old security app , McAfee ( I drugged its icon to the trash can and empty it. ) then restart my Mac but whenever click the Norton security install button , it comes back as failed to do so. I have no idea what is wrong. I really don't know what to do now. Thank you for your help!!!!

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Norton security

Just moving the icon to trash doesn't uninstall McAfee, it just deletes the icon.

I can't help with the uninstall process on a Mac, I'm a Windows user. Windows usually requires the McAfee uninstall tool to completely remove it.

Google found this

Uninstalling your McAfee software:
If you want to uninstall your McAfee software, follow these steps:

  1. To make sure that related browser plug-ins is removed correctly, close your browsers (Safari and Chrome) prior to starting the removal.
  2. In the Dock, find and open the Applications folder.
  3. Double-click the McAfee Internet Security Uninstaller. NOTE: The name of the uninstaller might vary slightly, depending on the McAfee software you have installed.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Type your administrator password and click OK.
  6. Click Finish.

If you run into issues either reinstall McAfee Security or other security follow the steps below.
  • At the top of the screen in the menu bar, Click the Go menu option
  • Select Go to Folder from the drop down menu
  • Copy a file path from the list below and click Go
  • A new finder window will open if the path is found.
    Look for the file called out below the path and right click the file/folder and click move to trash 
  • Repeat that steps above for each path in the list below.
  • Once all potentical location have been check your done. Resume the product install
  • If you continue to have issues please contact customer service.
    • /usr/local/
      Look for a folder called McAfee and move to trash
    • /Library/ApplicationSupport/
      Look for a fodler called McAfee and more to trash
    • /Library/LaunchDaemons/
      Look for com.mcafee.cspd.plist and move to trash
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Message 3 of 5

Re: Norton security

oh,,, no,,,, I deleted all icons,,, it may include its uninstaller,,,?? After all I can't see any letters of McAfee,,,,

This is too much to be asked by BT,,,,


0 Ratings
Message 4 of 5

Re: Norton security

Hardly. Installing and uninstalling applications is a common activity.

0 Ratings
Message 5 of 5

Re: Norton security


when I got this contract, I can't remember if I installed McAfee by myself or not , I think I only added it on my contract so really didn't know it. I am really really down now.

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