Message 1 of 2


I have installed Norton and consider Norton Safe search to be a disaster. Firstly, it dumps on my Search page links such as Nordstrom that cannot be removed and are totally inappropriate if you are not in USA. Secondly the Search is appallinng. Compare it to Google Chrome - I searched my name and the village I live and got no hits, whereas Chrome got 23. Thirdly it appears to prevent dealings with authentic websites - I found two websites where I wanted to make a  puchase and the only way I could get this to function was to temporarily stop Safe Search.

They are trying to take over my computer - their Search offers a horde of obviously paid-for pages in preference to what I wanted. For instance, searching Tree Nursery Hampshire, which should be obviously be for gardening sites, produced a children's nursery in New Hampshire, USA. I can understand the place confusion but tree does not = children.  I shall remove it.

Message 2 of 2

Re: Norton

Totally agree! I came onto the Community to see what backlash there was and was amazed to see only a few posts.

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