Message 1 of 3

WebDav BTcloud settings for NAS

I have a Synology nas running DSM 7.2 and am looking to backup photos etc directly from it to my BT Cloud service. The only option (from the many offered) that I can see, that I can use to do this automatically on the NAS is WebDAV.

What are the settings for this?

Does anyone know or have a guide on how to do it?

Thanks in advance.

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Message 2 of 3

Re: WebDav BTcloud settings for NAS

Doesn't answer your question about WebDav, but the way I have backed up my Synology NAS to BT Cloud is as follows:

1.  On your computer/laptop where the BT Cloud software is running create a folder, eg C:\SynologyBackup

2. Navigate to the newly created folder and create a symbolic link for each NAS folder you want to backup:

mklink /D LinkName \\SynologyNAS\FolderName

This creates a link from C:\SynologyBackup\LinkName to \\SynologyNAS\FolderName

3.  In the BT Cloud Settings for Backup, add C:\SynologyBackup\ to the folders to be backed up.

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Message 3 of 3

Re: WebDav BTcloud settings for NAS

Hi thank you for the reply 

I have found the only easy way to do it is to map the network drive (Synology NAS) on my laptop and point the BT cloud to it and its folders to back up. It's a bit of a pain but it was the only way I could find. 

Since BT is moving it's broadband over to EE and they don't have a cloud option I'm pretty sure in a year or so it won't be an issue anyway 😔

Thanks again. 

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