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complimentary package

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Hi all. 

i had BT broadband fitted after a long wait  and I was initially told that I would get a BT email address  and a choice of a couple of channels one being BT sport and the other Netflix. 

I am unable to get an email, and I have no idea how to sign up to one of the channels.

I think the offer was for 6 months whilst I have my introductory price.

I have an email somewhere offering this and will see if I can find it

Many thanks


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Message 2 of 2

Re: complimentary package

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i had BT broadband fitted after a long wait  and I was initially told that I would get a BT email address  and a choice of a couple of channels one being BT sport and the other Netflix. 

BT no longer offer free email addresses, you had until 26th October 2022to sign up for one, they are no longer taking new registrations, you can however use a number of free email providers, I'll let you search and review which suits your needs.

BT Sport can be added anytime, there is a cost depending on which package and viewing platform you want, BT Sport on BTTV is the cheapest, you also get the Discovery Plus app free with BT Sport.
Netflix is bundled with Entertainment packages, you can see more info at www.bt.com/bttv