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Message 41 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

Had technical help on line and was told it was a Level  2 case. Remote testing etc from BT and at the moment, no problems since last Saturday. Also had a  phone call from BT before the case was deemed resolved and closed.

Message 42 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

As I’ve just posted, I’m on box number two! 3 weeks into having it, the new ones becoming unresponsive too! It’s currently recording something just now and I’ll test your theory once it stops recording. I’m getting really hacked off with this and I’m now thinking of asking BT to end my contract early and move back to SKY as never any issues with Sky’s boxes!

0 Ratings
Message 43 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

Good luck with that, I will never return to Sky..if my BT service ever fails completely I will just use Now TV pass on my Smart TV.
Message 44 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

Unfortunately my BT TV Box Pro is also becoming totally unresponsive (the box locks on the channel I’m watching and the box doesn’t respond to any Remote Control commands) and only a complete power down seems to allow me to use it again. I’m connected by Ethernet Cable.

Item Code - 097445

Model Name - BT TV Box Pro RTIW387 Type B, Made in Tunisia


…………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………..….…….…. My Services - Full Fibre 100, Smart Hub 2, EE Smart WiFi, Digital Voice with Alexa Phone, BT TV Box Pro, EE All Rounder Sim Only
Message 45 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

I would just like BT to acknowledge there’s an issue and send out some comms. I get that out of x account of boxes, we probably represent a small percentage, but what about customers not on the community who are experiencing these issues or ones who just don’t bother to complain. There are other posts and strands saying the same thing, as I’ve seen them, so it’s difficult to put a number on just how many of these boxes are being impacted by either poor build quality or as I’ve said before, potentially software glitches. I hope you get sorted though! Keep us posted with how you get on. 

Message 46 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

Today is the first time that it’s happened to me, I’ve had BT TV for around 6 weeks. I have encountered ‘Ghost Recordings’ on a few occasions and the ‘Green Circle’ on screen when using the Now app but otherwise the Box has performed pretty well.

I’m not too sure that having no choice but to completely power down the Box by pulling the power transformer out of the power socket is healthy for the Box but  of course they didn’t include a power button!



…………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………..….…….…. My Services - Full Fibre 100, Smart Hub 2, EE Smart WiFi, Digital Voice with Alexa Phone, BT TV Box Pro, EE All Rounder Sim Only
Message 47 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

Powerdown is the only thing that works for me too! It’s becoming frustrating that I have to do that at least once or twice a week.
0 Ratings
Message 48 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

Been having issues with my Pro Box too. 

When it works its great, but normally have to reboot at least twice a week.

Also have the circle on the Now Tv App too.

This box does seem to be becoming a bit of an embarrassment for BT.

Message 49 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

Sadly the ‘Unresponsive’ problem still persists with my BT TV Box Pro, as does the on screen ‘Green Circle’ problem when using the Now app.



…………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………..….…….…. My Services - Full Fibre 100, Smart Hub 2, EE Smart WiFi, Digital Voice with Alexa Phone, BT TV Box Pro, EE All Rounder Sim Only
0 Ratings
Message 50 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

My box must be about two years old now - got it as soon as they were available.  It says made in Tunisia but there is no Type marker I can find.

It has about three times it has gone unresponsive but all in the past few months - I suspect a firmware issue here.

When it has done this the live BT stream remained active - although the box appeared totally dead.

My issues only started at around the time others started reporting them -which is my I think it is fireware rather than hardware.

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