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Message 1 of 10

Deleting single episodes of a series

I’ve just setup my BT tv box having migrated from Sky. I’ve downloaded last week’s episodes of Masterchef and now having watched one I would like to delete it. Following the instructions to do this results in deleting all previous  episodes - I cannot see how to delete just a single episode from a series. Help gratefully received.

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Message 2 of 10

Re: Deleting single episodes of a series

Hi @Ridgewoodwoody 

I moved from SKY HD+ to BT back in December and took a while to get my head around the differences.

The big difference is that whereas in SKY a programme is downloaded to your hard disk, in BT it adds a single tile to the Watchlist. This tile is a link to the programme on BBCIplayer. It will either say Watch, Continue (if you have started watching it) or Watched.

If the programme is part of a series it’s a link to the series as well. So you only ever see one tile added to the BT Watchlist.  If you delete the tile you’re not just deleting the episode but a link to the series as well.

Another difference is that for a series, the Watchlist shows the episode you are watching or have watched last. It doesn’t advance to the next episode of a series. (Recordings are a bit different but that's another story).

So keep Masterchef in your BT Watchlist. You can use the information button to see episodes available. You’ll get the hang of it!

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Message 3 of 10

Re: Deleting single episodes of a series

Hi @Ridgewoodwoody 

I suggest that you use the Home Screen , under RECORDINGS & WATCH LIST select the first  +MY  tile  and press OK , that gives you a page of Recordings , go to the tile for the Masterchef series and press  either OK or i(info)  button, that will give you all the recordings in the Masterchef series , navigate to the tile for the episode you want to delete  and you should see  options to  watch , Delete or lock that recording .

 You might consider going into Settings (from home page)  and under box management Recordings turning on Confirm Delete to reduce any mishaps.

there are other methods of deleting single recordings either from the BT Tv box menus or the BT TV App.

Message 4 of 10

Re: Deleting single episodes of a series

These replies don't address the problem. I've just setup the youvuew box pro and noticed the same problem with episodes that are part of a series.


For any watched of older episodes you don't want there doesn't seem to be a way to delete them, only the entire series. By selecting the series (mytv-recordings) the 4 options it offers you are play, delete, lock and search but there is no 'x' or delete button on the new remote! Seems be a big QA flaw.


Someone suggested pressing info (i) and it will offer you the delete option, but it doesn't. It simply takes you back to the previous page showing recordings.


I hope I'm wrong or missing something with this. Perhaps lack of coffee. Please suggest a method for single deletes if there is one



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Message 5 of 10

Re: Deleting single episodes of a series

Maybe you are watching programmes using the BBC IPlayer?

Episodes are still listed after watching (in case you wish to go back and re-watch), but the Info tile does show a label 'Watched'. The last one you watched does have a highlighting box around it.

If you use the Watch list, you can see all the episodes in a Series with the highlight showing how far through the Series you have got.


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Message 6 of 10

Re: Deleting single episodes of a series

Press the Home key to bring up the menu.
Press down twice, so that the MyTV icon is highlighted.
Press OK.
It will show you the recordings screen. Select the series you're interested in.
Move to the episode you want to delete, using the left and right keys.
Press the down key to highlight the word "Delete".
Press select to delete it.

You can keep pressing select to delete episodes one after the other, and then press Up when you're done deleting and want to select another episode.

From the menu, select the MyTV tile - i.e. the icon to the left of all the programmes listed. This will take you
0 Ratings
Message 7 of 10

Re: Deleting single episodes of a series

Hi there, no this is all through the MYTV section. Granted the episodes I have recorded are from BBC, but not watching through iPlayer. Any idea where this magic X option is that is suggests we use to delete??


Thank you

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Message 8 of 10

Re: Deleting single episodes of a series

@DarrenDev haha thank you.

Had no idea the 4 options below were part of a menu you could select from. They appear to just show icons you can press from the remote.
Would still be a lot better (and faster) if BT had included an X or delete button but at least I know where to get it done

Thanks again
0 Ratings
Message 9 of 10

Re: Deleting single episodes of a series


See the post by @DarrenDev immediately before yours.

Edit: You have!

0 Ratings
Message 10 of 10

Re: Deleting single episodes of a series

Thanks already replied, so this is a crossover. Problem sorted, kind of.

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