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Message 1 of 27

Discovery more questions than answers

According to BT website today (3rd november)

From 4 November, new and existing customers can watch Discovery Channel on our Entertainment, Big Entertainment and VIP BT TV packages.

Eurosport 1 & 2 are being added to the BT TV Sport package, and if you pay for the BT Sport add-on, you’ll also get access to Eurosport on BT TV. Both channels are already available on the Big Sport and VIP packages.

VIP customers and customers with the HD add-on will be able to watch all three channels in glorious HD.

How can I watch the new channels?

BT TV customers will be able to watch Discovery Channel on channel 320 and Eurosport 1 & 2 on channels 412 and 413 respectively.

VIP customers or customers with the HD add-on will be able to watch the HD versions of these channels on channel 325 for Discovery Channel and 435 and 436 for Eurosport 1 & 2.

Catch-up and on demand content for Discovery Channel will be available via the BT Player from 28 November


Now given than BT Sport and Discovery are part of the joint venture it is strange that BT Sport and Big Sport subscriber appear not to be benefiting from the availability of Discovery yet those on Now  packages which have nothing to do with the joint venture are being given the channel.  I look forward to the explanation.

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Message 2 of 27

Re: Discovery more questions than answers

Discovery is an entertainment channel not a sport one, why is there always someone who has to find a problem with everything

0 Ratings
Message 3 of 27

Re: Discovery more questions than answers

AMC is an entertainment channel but is  available  across all the Bt packages including sport so why not Discovery ?

Another observation is that Big Sport package subscribers who are losing BoxNation  appear to be receiving no additional channels.


Message 4 of 27

Re: Discovery more questions than answers

It looks as though BT Sport and Big Sport customers are going to wait for the Discovery+  app, which is supposed to be being made available to the majority of BTTV customers at no extra cost. It remains to be seen whether the other channels on the Discovery+ app are going to be made available as linear channels as the gaps on the EPG in terms of channel numbers suggests that this is still a possibility. 

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Message 5 of 27

Re: Discovery more questions than answers

@Brucemeister5  the strange thing about the channel numbering is that the HD  channel 325 is amongst SD channels rather than in among the HD channels. So consider when  using  the new visual guide  looking for now and next programming the Discovery HD channel  at 325 is a lot of scrolling away ( around 20 scrolls)  from the next entertainment HD channel at 355.  Maybe it is  to give it  prominence in the EPG  but at first glance it is a bit adrift from the other channels in the package.

0 Ratings
Message 6 of 27

Re: Discovery more questions than answers

I’m on a big sport package but have entertainment on add on does this mean I’ll still get access to discovery just tried it and just keeps asking me to update system tried twice but no change maybe try again in morning 

0 Ratings
Message 7 of 27

Re: Discovery more questions than answers

@Wanya039  I only have Big Sport on my BT subscription. On the Discovery channel at 325 it now asks me upgrade my subs with the only option is to VIP. Channel now hidden.😁

0 Ratings
Message 8 of 27

Re: Discovery more questions than answers

I'm on Sport only so no access in EPG to Discovery.  But we are meant to be getting free access to the Discovery+ app which streams all the Discovery channels.

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Message 9 of 27

Re: Discovery more questions than answers

I have the entertainment, BT Sport and HD add-on, all I get on the Discovery channels is a message to upgrade my package to VIP. Eurosport all working fine in SD and HD on my pro box.

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Message 10 of 27

Re: Discovery more questions than answers

Find this a real shame as I say I’ve got big sport and have the entertainment on a add on 

just checked again this morning and it’s only offering the VIP upgrade 

Been waiting for discovery for along time and after been lead to believe that bt sport costumers would receive discovery for free it’s rather disappointing and also there is no word about gain the discovery+ app the article mentions accessing discovery content via the bt app on 28th November 

so maybe the D+ won’t be available after all 

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