Message 1 of 3

EE tv box pro, recording problem.

Sometimes, usually when I save started to record a live program, but can be a set up recording. The program  will show 'recording' in my recordings and watch list. When you try to watch the program, it will show a time of 0.00minuets. This will then cause a general lock out of the box which I have to reset to get anything working again. Anyone else seen/have this issue, any advice would be helpful. 

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Message 2 of 3

Re: EE tv box pro, recording problem.

For any issues with the recordings I would first try a software update the failing this I would advise a factory reset. This will cause you to loose any current recordings, be signed out from apps and any changes to settings (such as hidden channels( to be undone but will resolve the issue

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Message 3 of 3

Re: EE tv box pro, recording problem.


Generally, recording problems indicate disc corruption, which can only be resolved by a Factory Reset.

If it was just data corruption, the box will come back as good as new, but there is always the possibility of disc failure, or a hardware issue with the box, in which case the good done by a Factory Reset won’t last. But the only way to find out is to try it.

As the reset is so drastic though, you do lose any recordings you may already have, so watch what you can before the reset.

Here’s how you reset your box:-


There’s a small possibility the Box may decide it doesn’t need a full Factory Reset, in which case it will just refresh the running software, but I wouldn’t count on that.

As it’s a Pro box, I assume you are an EE TV subscriber, so if it starts playing up again even after the Factory Reset, then BT will swap it for you, but they will want to know that you have tried the Factory Reset before, and it didn’t last.

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
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