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Message 1 of 30

EETV App Scheduling Information Presentation

 @zulu17 said, in

I believe that for the specific example of the upcoming The Graham Norton Show it is not  a user box problem.

The EE TV app does seem to  display scheduled recordings for new and newly requested series recordings in a somewhat confusing way.

So if @Midnight_Voice  you used your EETV app to  (series) record the new series of The Graham Norton Show on BBC 1 HD this Friday night you might well see that the EETV app (after allowing time for the request to go back and forth) that your EE TV app schedule only shows Episode schedule. That is what I noticed when I set the series  recording this evening on the app.

Further if I look at the EPG  guide entry on the TV box or the recording schedule on the TV Box they show that The Graham Norton Show is indeed a series recording from Friday ‘s opening episode.

The  EETV app guide and recording schedule on both Samsung phone and IOS EE TV apps only show it as a single recording.

Taking it a stage further I set a series recording for Countdown  on C4 HD from Monday  ( the subsequent episode in series being on Tuesday). The Monday episode shows as an episode recording in the EE TV app schedules and the Tuesday episode shows as a Series recording. 

Here’s a blast from the past, the YouView Community to be exact, from the days when it was worse than this, and a newly scheduled series would appear both as an individual entry for the first programme and as a series entry going forward:-

I appreciate I am a little late to this party..... but I am attempting to update Keith's consolidated list of bugs and faults. This is currently item number 23 on the list.

I have double-checked and the experience described is actually the designed behaviour. When a series booking is made, it first makes an event booking (to ensure the programme selected is recorded on the day/time selected), and then a series booking is made. As mentioned above, after the first recording has completed, the single entry will disappear and you are left with only the series record entry.

I appreciate some have found this confusing when looking at your scheduled recordings list, but this isn't a bug with the software.

The poster’s name has been removed to protect the guilty 😛, but this was spoken like a true developer, making the UI mimic the actual physical entities created to support the process, instead of the user expectation that one scheduled entry would suffice (as indeed it does for the rest of the series).

And indeed, over time, wiser, more user-oriented heads prevailed, and the duplicate entries were stopped for the presentation layer, though I am sure they continue underneath.

So it looks from your observation, @zulu17 , that the EE TV app in its current form, may be presenting the single-programme entry of the pair instead of the series entry. A situation that rights itself, as it always did, once the first entry in the series is past.

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
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Message 2 of 30

Re: EETV App Scheduling Information Presentation

However, on a different tack…

I have Homes Under the Hammer and Countdown set to series record on my DTR-T4000, as they have been for a long time. But I noticed on Sunday that the next HUTH was scheduled for Tuesday, not Monday, so I checked Monday, and there was a HUTH, at the usual time.

Not entirely unprecedented; a long-running programme like HUTH often uses different Series CRIDS (though it doesn’t seem needed on Countdown), and sure enough, this was the case, crid:// Monday, crid://

(You can check the CRIDs, and other stuff, for a selected programme quite easily, by pressing the Info button on the remote, and then doing RGBRGB on the colour buttons). 

But the interesting thing was that this Monday entry, chosen on the EPG of the T4000, did appear as a Series in Scheduled on the EETV app.

However, it didn’t appear as flagged under Live/Schedule. And here it gets odder; choosing to record it as a single programme there (which it let me, even though it was already in My TV/Recordings/Scheduled) made it appear as a single programme there, and in My TV/Recordings/Scheduled in the app as a single programme also.

Then going back and redoing it as a Series entry likewise updated My TV/Recordings/Scheduled.

It did record today, but no longer shows in Scheduled, though the entry with the different Series CRID is still there for tomorrow. Later days in the week have two more Series CRIDs; I must say that this rather defeats the object of having Series CRIDs, though this is something I need to take up with the BBC.

I have to do some more work to see if setting recordings via the box EPG gives precisely the same results as setting them via the EETV app; from the above, I’d say there were differences, but I haven’t bottomed them yet.

And my ‘paired’ EETV app is screwy anyway; the TV is set for BBC South, but the app is set for BBC Southeast, and shows ‘latest TV’ at LCN 7, whose interesting-looking programmes do not seem to trouble to appear on the T4000 itself.

Another query I have is that I seem to remember that the app showed each individual entry for Series programmes, up to the end date of the EPG, which I always preferred to the YouView boxes only ever showing the next entry; but now it just has a single entry, albeit that it does say Series Scheduled. When did that change, or depart from what the equivalent YouView app did, or whatever happened?

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
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Message 3 of 30

Re: EETV App Scheduling Information Presentation

Any chance of a TL;DR @Midnight_Voice ?  i.e. is there anything specifically you want me to answer?

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Message 4 of 30

Re: EETV App Scheduling Information Presentation


Not yet thanks, except you could perhaps check @zulu17’s observation that the first programme in a newly added Series shows up as an individual scheduled programme with no indication that’s it’s part of a series, and my conjecture as to why that might be.

And it would be useful to know if there are any KPR’s outstanding on the EE TV app, to save me reinventing any wheels.

But yes, the second posting is really a brain dump of a number of badly qualified observations about a dubious Paired Box/App setup, that don’t merit any deep investigation yet.

More to see if it gets any ‘Me Toos’ than to provoke any such investigations at the moment.

’Further bulletins as events warrant’, as Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbes) would say….

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
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Message 5 of 30

Re: EETV App Scheduling Information Presentation


I set, via the app, my (Pro) box this afternoon to record ‘Joan’ starting on ITV next Sunday (selecting Series Record)

This is how it shows up in My TV on the app, which confirms what you are saying MV



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Message 6 of 30

Re: EETV App Scheduling Information Presentation


Thanks, though more @zulu17 ’s observation than mine. And something concrete for @DarrenDev @to take up with YouView.

However, for extra credit, can you please now take a look at Live/Schedule in the EETV app, check whether the EPG entries for the programmes you have scheduled reflect the scheduling or not?

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
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Message 7 of 30

Re: EETV App Scheduling Information Presentation


(Had to heavily compress these, so hopefully come out readable, and in the right order!)


0 Ratings
Message 8 of 30

Re: EETV App Scheduling Information Presentation


Brilliant! So the EETV app EPG agrees with the My TV/Recordings/Scheduled, and doesn’t treat the first scheduled episode as part of the Series either, though it is.

Now, for extra extra credit, what does the Box EPG and Schedule make of it?

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
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Message 9 of 30

Re: EETV App Scheduling Information Presentation


Had a feeling that might be next 😛

(The max size file limit on here is an absolute pain 😡)

Well…wadda ya know!


Message 10 of 30

Re: EETV App Scheduling Information Presentation

I'll get someone to validate the data returned from the YouView cloud, to see if there's anything we could do better with it. Ultimately, this is just a cosmetic bug though, right? Everything is recorded as it should be, but the listing in the app is a little confusing.
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