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Message 1 of 8

I requested recording

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I found this morning that my BT box has recorded an unfrequented programme. There is a recording called “Brothers in Football” which I have not requested any idea why this should happen. I only record Motorsport - mainly MotoGP and some others on series record. I note some these, recently, have failed - yesterday’s sprint race only recorded for 3 mins. 

any thoughts welcome

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Message 2 of 8

Re: I requested recording

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Bit light on information there; do you know when this was recorded, or what channel it came from?

Also, anything you selected recently that wasn’t recorded?

IMDb lists this programme as a 90-minute documentary movie from 2018, and it comes up as being on Prime Video, but not, apparently, available in the UK.

If this was broadcast recently on Freeview or BT TV, then it could be that someone erroneously gave it the same Series and Programme CRID (Content Reference IDentifier) as something you had chosen to record. YouView works off CRIDs, not titles, so it would obediently record this programme if it recognised the CRID as one it was set for.

That would be an explanation, but it would take BT TV to check if it is the right one, if you can provide a bit more info.

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
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Message 3 of 8

Re: I requested recording

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Hi @GrumpyGeaser 

Other  customers have reported issues with this weekend MotoGP recordings.

Specifically a problem with the Sprint race in

so it is likely that the experience is not due to your actions but rather to the broadcasting events at the time. Fortunately the race should be available on  Discovery Plus and possibly BT TV on demand

Brothers in Football is typically a  programme that BT Sport (now TNT Sports) would broadcast at times when they were lacking live content.  Can you confirm the channel,  date and time that the recording appears to have been made,  Assuming you haven’t deleted it if you go into  Recordings  and select the programme tile and press j(nfo) you should see channel details , date , time recording started and ended.

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Message 4 of 8

Re: I requested recording

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Hi @Midnight_Voice 

Brothers in Football would also appear in the  Youview Universal search  for BT TV subscribers  as a available on the BT TV player/app. It is also available on Discovery+ . you are seeing it as available on Prime Video because they  also have discovery+ premium available as subscription option on their platform.


Message 5 of 8

Re: I requested recording

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Apologies for my typo. I did NOT want the recording which is why I asked the question. It just appeared on my system and I don’t understand why this should happen.

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Message 6 of 8

Re: Unrequested recording

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It’s easy to change the title on the post; see above.

But yes, I gathered this wasn’t what you intended to record.

Ny possible explanation, given above, still stands though.

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
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Message 7 of 8

Re: I requested recording

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Thanks for that. Was on TNT sport 2. Not at home now so can’t confirm time though

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Message 8 of 8

Re: I requested recording

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looking at the now backwards EPG  Brothers in Football shows up on TNT Sport 2 on Sunday 12th Nov between 9:45-11:30PM .  That program  appears to be part of a series  called "Original Documentary"

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