Had full fibre and TV (employee) installed 6 weeks ago. BB is fine. I have never been able to view channels from the guide, but from the apps they work fine.
Same issue from both my pro box and mini, and regardless of whether over wifi or cable.
Reported issue to CS who factory reset TV box, checked BB, then said I would need an engineer visit.
Engineer came a month ago, he checked everything, factory reset the box, confirmed everything was OK at my end, and said he would have to refer it back to support who would call me within two days.
No call was recieved.
I called CS again. they said there is a problem with my BB and slow speed is causing the issue. (i explained that it has alwasy been the case even when speeds have not been slow) she said they need to send me a new red ethernet cable, and i would have to call back when i recieve that.
after the call I turned my moden and router off which fixed my temporary slow DL speed issue, which ruled out that issue.
The new red ethernet cable never arrived.
As other people have complained about the same issue on here, I thought i would try here.
@DarrenDev - Ive seen you respond to other posts on here with the same issue. are you able to help me?
What speed are you getting? This is best measured in Netflix on the Pro box, for the most representative value.
If it’s too low, Multicast, as used by the channels from the Guide, will fail.
The apps don’t use Multicast, which is how come they work OK. Where the Guide channels are also available in one or more of the apps, you can watch them there, for the time being.
I am not infront of my TV at the moment, but there are no issues with my speed.
Shoot, that’s twice as fast as mine 😛
I guess that’s not the reason for the IPC6023s then….
Sometimes the multicast service just hasnt been turned on, expect Darren can check that, its also possible its related to somewhere along the provisioning.
My 'fault' was on some remote equipment somewhere, but actually it just hadnt been setup...according to BT.
@DavGom83 I see a TV Box Pro and a TV Box Mini on your account. They were reporting 100% multicast data loss up until August 30th, but mostly recovered - your TV Box Pro is showing no issues, but your TV Box Mini is showing intermittent issues.
This shows that there's no issue with the account or the broadband line, but possibly an issue between the hub and the TV Box Mini. How are they connected?
Oh right, I read his post like it have never worked! So it probably is an inhouse issue...
it has never worked
The TV Box Pro has the same issue. cannot view channels through the guide. i get a black screen then after about 20 seconds the IPC6023 error comes up. same issue whether connected over cable or wifi.
TV Box Mini is connected over wifi, it is in a diffierent room to my hub.