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Message 1 of 2

Re: By tv with Netflix

I have a similar issue  - on My BT account it says the Netflix add-on is active. But as far as I can tell, it's not. I wasn't even asked if I wanted to link an existing Netflix account (which I have, and which uses an email address different to the one I use got my BT account). I wasn't asked or prompted to do anything at all. All I got when I selected the offer to add Netflix to my BT account was an email that said:

"Your Netflix subscription will start when you activate the service. You can do this in the Netflix app on your TV Box"

But the Netflix app on my TV Box has been in use for a long time, and uses my existing Netflix account email. So I'm still paying Netflix for Netflix, and I'm paying BT for it too (not really 'paying' BT as it's a freebie with my VIP). But I'm getting zero benefit .... Netflix doesn't recognise my BT account email.

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Message 2 of 2

Re: By tv with Netflix

Hi @Hooba and thanks for posting.

I've moved your post so we can try to help. I'd like to take a closer look at this for you so please check your inbox for my message and drop me a reply with the details.



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