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Message 11 of 17

Re: Recordable Box and Remote issue

The final solution to my issue was a second replacement box, with grovelling apologies.

Apparently this class of box is often refurbished and resent out again and my initial replacement box was defective from the start.

We left home for a long trip only 2 days after receiving the replacement, replacement box, so we are hoping it will still work when we get home in a few weeks.

To be honest, I'd get back to BT and ask for another box.  Your symptoms pretty much mirror our own.  Our fault reference was:   should they care to relive our challenges, although if you talk to a cheerful young man Andrew, from Newcastle, I feel confident our issues will be etched onto his brain in perpetuity.

Fingers crossed for you.

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Message 12 of 17

Re: Recordable Box and Remote issue

If the Pro Box goes into deep sleep mode, on being told to wake up it will inevitably does some checks before coming back to life which will take a few minutes.  Just press the mute button on the TV remote if you get "Bargain TV" coming through on high volume until EE TV itself kicks in.  It's not exactly a totally intolerable, life-threatening situation that requires multiple calls to Customer Support or Emergency Engineers to come out and look at is it?

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Message 13 of 17

Re: Recordable Box and Remote issue

For me, it was not a Pro Box.  Nonetheless  the service desk guided me to change the "Sleep" settings.  No change for me.

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Message 14 of 17

Re: Recordable Box and Remote issue


The issue you possibly have is one of technology being too clever for it's own good. The Pro Box interrogates the TV to establish which brand it is over HDMI & then sets IR codes in the remote to match. Unfortunately many modern TVs simply have a brand's badge stuck on another manufacturer's product. So potentially your TV says "Hello, I'm a Panasonic" but could be a Vestel or other brand underneath. The "too clever" bit is that this can't be over-ridden.

There was another recent thread with a new Panasonic but I can't remember what brand it turned out to be. I'll have a search & see if I can find it.

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Message 15 of 17

Re: Recordable Box and Remote issue

Hi @MiracleMaud thanks for posting, sorry to hear you've these issues and that the in-home visit didn't resolve. 

Looks like you have got both a TV Box Pro and the older Humax DTRT2100 - is it the latter box that has developed this issue on wake up where the TV is on and with picture and sound, but the remote control doesn't do anything for a minute or more?

The symptoms sound like a classic "race condition" where some underlying boot process is "stuck" waiting for something else to finish then all the other system messages including remote button presses get serviced. I wonder if that happens more often if the TV was last watching a PSB channel like BBC / ITV etc or one of the extra TV channels e.g. Now or TNT Sport?

I'll drop you a direct message to get some box details so we can do a deeper dive.




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Message 16 of 17

Re: Recordable Box and Remote issue

Hi @Jerry121 thanks for reporting.

The TV Box Pro and Mini Box remotes use Bluetooth to talk to the TV box and then to the TV, whereas the older Humax controllers are strictly IR only so the mode of operation is different but mostly "inter-operable". 

Depending on the model of the TV, it might not yet appear the codes database the TV Box Pro uses to query control details which is why the new remote isnt working . you may have luck with the older remote using the Panasonic codes and process described here Setting up your EE TV remote to control your TV | BT Help.



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Message 17 of 17

Re: Recordable Box and Remote issue

We have both the Pro and the next newest boxes.  The issue was with the older box.

The issue appears to have been resolved by a replacement, replacement box, although we came away on a trip thereafter so quickly, that under normal circumstances I would still be considering the “solution” to be optimistic.

i posted my issue number yesterday, but it was removed by a staff member, as it breached community rules, but if you are staff, you can likely still see that number.

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